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  1. J

    post a bud ready for harvest

    dude u got a male or all males if they are all doing this if u see another plant what has white hairs on it dont cut it, but if u got that male ur talkin bout id suggest cuttin that mother fucker to the ground
  2. J

    What are my plants doing? *pics*

    dude listin to me, those are flowering plants and if u are seeing white hairs then u deff are good to go.
  3. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    o yea the tall one, the hairs are bout 5 percent brown so im guessin bout 3 or for weeks what yall think thats the tallest one and the or one with 3 tops is growingmore slowly it has buds on it but they are samm compared to the the single cola thats next to it i guess its a diffrent plant its...
  4. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    here they are again at 3 weeks and 5 days YES i know my pix are out of focuse thank u for noticein that but im working with what i got like all of you so work with me but yea u can see how they are cumming alone let me know what you think
  5. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    dude i knoe its my damn phone ima get sum on my camra soon
  6. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    yea the tal 1 is gettin a pretty nice nug all down the stalk i hope its gone knock me on my ass
  7. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    here they are 3 weeks and 2 days
  8. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    here are the pix that i said id post both of these plants have been in flower for 3 weeks and 2 days let me know what u think o yeah i 150 hps growin this shit
  9. J

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    i got 2 girls flowing in the 3 and a half week but this pic is week 2 of budding i wasnt gone wake them to take a pic so yea more pix tom