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  1. grizzz

    First grow ever, complete accident

    thank you very much! i loooove cfls, im shocked that ive been able to create this on a 70 dollar budget, another 40 is chump change if it increases density/weight of the harvest ;D also do you think i should take a clone of this plant since it turned out female and i have no others? would be a...
  2. grizzz

    First grow ever, complete accident

    i had more pictures of days in between but accidentally deleted them D= heres an update of how its looking now. i topped it about a week ago, and today i trimmed most of the heat damaged leaves off. some were pretty big fan leaves, but since im using floros and those leaves werent retaining...
  3. grizzz

    First grow ever, complete accident

    im pretty sure all the leaves were damaged because i had to relocate it to my attic for two days, and during the day it was getting up to 115 degrees far. almost killed the thing for sure, but i water pretty thoroughly every 3 days. also today i noticed there are now roots coming out of the...
  4. grizzz

    First grow ever, complete accident

    heres another update of my unknown tree. is it sativa or indica? ive been doing quite a bit of trimming every 5 days or so because of the cfls im using so it gets more light for nug. i need to repot it because once again it has gotten too big, and now towers over a foot tall. its a month in so i...
  5. grizzz

    First grow ever, complete accident

    as it turns out the withering of the leaves was due to the plant being rootbound. heres an update as of yet..
  6. grizzz


    cant be sure without pictures, but i think thats just your plant becoming rootbound, transplanting to a bigger pot will hopefully correct the droppiness and yellowing. When the plant becomes root bound in a small pot, usually the roots wrap around the edges of the pot, locking in alot of the...
  7. grizzz

    What is the ailment? (Pic Included)

    this is my only plant its been about 25 days since germination, im using only two 42w floros, and no nutes, im using miracle grow for soil. and the temp in the space is 70-80 max fluxuation
  8. grizzz

    What is the ailment? (Pic Included)

    my plant is yellowing at the base of its first set of 5tipped leaves, and the edges of the leaves are a bit crinkled. is this a deficiency of some kind?
  9. grizzz

    First grow ever, complete accident

    The other day i noticed the first set of 5 tipped leaves had a splotchy yellowing at the base, and the leaves a little crinkled at the edges. i unfortunately i didnt notice them until after i trimmed some branches at the first and second nodes, and took the largest shoot for cloning purposes...
  10. grizzz

    Is my plant okay

    unfortunately the spots never went away on those few leaves they just perked back up( i think the damage was done), but the new ones that grew in didnt have spots. later on when the plant gets a bit more bushy you could possibly trim those less appealing leaves off at the stems.
  11. grizzz

    Is my plant okay

    for how young that plant is that 100w might be too close, try raising the light an inch or two and see if that helps. i had a similar problem, yellow spots and the leaves started to droop, i raised the lights a bit and voom everything was back in business
  12. grizzz

    Can you veg on a light cycle of 22/2?

    question stated.
  13. grizzz

    First grow ever, complete accident

    thanks joshc, i read that journal before and slightly modelled mine after his (very slightly) Today i went over to home depot and picked up two 42 watt fluorescent screw bulbs. before i had a 23w flood lamp and a 9 or 13w screw bulb, which only equalled about 2200 lumens. im not sure if you just...
  14. grizzz


    these arent fan leaves, perse' theyre the 3 pointed leafs second to the one pointed leaf at the base of the stem. they seem to have what looks like black specs everywhere, and im worried its some type of fungus or something else.
  15. grizzz


    im in soil, so do you think ill be okay if i took off like 4 stems? the second pair of 5 pointed leafs is just starting to form
  16. grizzz


    is it okay to cut off lower leaves if they look a little lighter green, and arent getting that much light? if so, where is the cut made? base of the stem or just at the leaf?
  17. grizzz

    First grow ever, complete accident

    just a quick update: i only have a limited space in which to perform this operation, so i just thought id post what im working with.
  18. grizzz

    Look at me now!!!wow!!!

    jeeeez thats a very bushy nice lookin plant. is that under HPS or mH?
  19. grizzz

    First grow ever, complete accident

    hahaha when you put it that way, its a very good thing i found them first. anyway, the shock from yesterday seems to have subsided, and now my little buddy is perked up and back on track. gonna post up some pictures for visual confirmation ;D but seriously imagine i went away for a week or two...
  20. grizzz

    Black spots on my lower leaves

    theres only one set of a 3 leafed stem where the leafs are gaining little black specs everywhere. i thought it was dirt at first but a moist papertowel wouldnt get it off. i would enclose a picture but when i tried taking a snapshot of it it wouldnt show up. crappy focus