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    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    hey nice thread you got going here! and yes im mad that the chiefs lost too! hehe know im kinda late on that but yea :(
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    Aerogarden Yeild

    right... you have thousands of posts so you have the right to act like a dick?
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    Fox Farm Big Bloom for flowering?

    yea i was wonderin same
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    Aerogarden Yeild

    thanks hopufully ill have 2 more ag's and for each ill try something different and let u all kno how it goes on one im gonna try making a bigger res
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    Aerogarden Yeild

    tek what do you think about cuting out some of the bottom to add more res space add maybe 5 gallons more water should be good for 4 plants & root space right
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    Aerogarden Yeild

    i wouldn't have paid 150, for that i would build my own but i just got 2 for 80 bucks and might go back for 2 more... i think i came close to what i would have paid if i built one if not less correct me if im wrong minus the lights i thought 40$ was great, no??? would buildin one cost less? and...
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    I need specific growing info on Aerogarden

    what do you mean by 16 16 16 i plan on using fox farm what strength ??
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    Aerogarden Yeild

    i was going to build a diy at first but theese things are on sale right now for 35$ so ill probly buy 4, & i think 4 plants fit in each so im hoppin my first crop will pay for the aeroG's Plus more then later on ill get a hps system started & use the aeroG's for clones.. tek ive read lots of...
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    Aerogarden Yeild

    im getting one soon was wondering what strain works best with it and wat to expect yield wise
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    The AeroGarden Forum

    im bout to buy like 4 aerogardens cant wait