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    Why is this happening!

    hey all,i had recently posted a thread regarding to the new growth on my babies is light green almost yellow and white is some areas. Now i have solved nearly every thing that could go wrong and this is still happening. One thing i dont get is that they were cloned and vegged under cfls for...
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    new growt is bright green

    Thanks very much guys.your advice puts my mind at ease(a little).
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    new growt is bright green

    thanks for the imput ,the thing is,this happened on my last attempt and they all died.I was using hydroton and a recirculation system under the 600w and i thought it was a heat problem so i have put in a better fan and now my tent has fresh air al the time.i also changed dosage is at...
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    new growt is bright green

    feeding full strength dutch fest, temp is 25 celcius(give or take 1). i thuoght it might be the lack of nutes do u think i should up the dose?
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    new growt is bright green

    i have 4 little ones under a 600w hps put them under 4 days ago from a cfl grow box.i am seeing the new growth turning bright green but the rest of the plants look fine.they are about 2 foot tall and are in their 3 week of veg. Any input would be will come when they wake up
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    WTF!! Anybody?

    i have this little guy here and it looks a little deformed. cloned a little late but took off fine under 2 cfls,it dont bother me that it is the way it is but i would like to hear any1s thoughts.i dont know the strain:confused::joint::blsmoke:
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    i think my plants are dying can some1 save em!

    root rot it is.i used hydroton so this wouldnt happen,maby cause the rockwool was too wet im not sure. have new clones goin,can any1 give any suggestion so i have a succesful grow this time.
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    new clones 24 hours old.They are drooping

    thanks for that but what do you mean by "cut the fingers down"
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    new clones 24 hours old.They are drooping

    these clones are 24 hours old.i soaked the rockwool in a rhizotonic solution and i aslo used conex on the stems.Not sure if they are supposed to droop like this.
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    i think my plants are dying can some1 save em!

    how can i get more N without over feeding with the nutes? And by the way they havnt had much change,there is still new growth but i cant seem to get them to come green,
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    i think my plants are dying can some1 save em!

    yeah, only hydroton.the roots are out of the rockwool but only by a centremeter or 2.i will keep the systemrunning 24 hour now,thanks for that
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    i think my plants are dying can some1 save em!

    the ph is bout 5.0 to 5.5 trying to bring it up a little but dont know how without buying something.the ppm is about are some pics if they help(i hope they dont die).
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    i think my plants are dying can some1 save em!

    thanks,u think it would be ok to double my nutes cause imeant they r really light in color,the only leaves that r dark green r the ones that were on the clones,the new tips r white
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    i think my plants are dying can some1 save em!

    my ppm was good and my ph is a little low but nothin to suggest it is the problem
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    i think my plants are dying can some1 save em!

    im using canna veg and rhizotonic thought it would be do i make sure i dont over nute them
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    i think my plants are dying can some1 save em!

    i have four little guys that r 3 weeks into veg.i am running a 600w in 1.2x1.2x2.0 tent.they were cloned in rockwool and then placed in hydroton.i have my recerculating system always running except for sleep.light is set for 18/6. My problem is that they are very light green and yellow and white...
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    please help

    yeah they had roots just comming through rockwool 2 weeks ago when i put them in hydroton. will put some pics up soon but i cant find my cam....damit
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    please help

    its a recerculating system with free flow drippers 15 mins every 2 hours but i just cut it back to 4 hours do you think it will help
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    please help

    using 600 watt indoor.clones were in rockwool cube and i put them straight into hydroton balls.watering 15min every 2 hours with canna veg
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    please help

    hi all, im having a problem with my babies. they are 2 weeks into veg and i dont know whats happenning to them.yellowing leaves but some have green veins still and they are curling here and there.i will post some pics shortly just waiting for light to come on.