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  1. S

    Intelligent New Grower in Need of a little Help

    mate i would create some sort of reflector to maximise the small amount of light you have. I made one and i did wonders for my plants!! A lot of the light is wasted otherwise in lighting up the rooms as oppose to giving your plants light.
  2. S

    what happens if you put and autoflowering LR#2 on 12/12????

    i would but its a stealth grow, and i only have one possible location. .........thinking about it..... i could move it to my mates greenhouse.... would it cope with the change?
  3. S

    what happens if you put and autoflowering LR#2 on 12/12????

    hi guys. I have a bit of a problem. I have one smallish grow space, with a lowryder, and a diesel. I want to start the diesel flowering (on 12/12 obviously), but the LR is autoflowering so wants 18/6 or 24/0. I wanna focus my efforts on the diesel as i will get more bud from it, and i...
  4. S

    using 6400k and 2700k during vegging?

    Is it ok to do this?? Or is it GOOD to do it? I am waiting to recieve another 30w 6400k CFL, so in the mean time im using:- 1x 30w 6400k 1x 30w 2700k this is for vegging my 'diesel' seedling. Is it recomended to use both types? :peace:
  5. S

    are CFLs the same as 'energy saving bulbs'??

    thanks for the help. rep'd :hug:
  6. S

    are CFLs the same as 'energy saving bulbs'??

    the colour is the just not sure if it is an ACTUAL CFL...:?........theres no mention of cfls on the are energy saving bulbs (the spiral shapes), the same as CFLs? really need help. thanks
  7. S

    are CFLs the same as 'energy saving bulbs'??

    Iv got some energy saving bulbs which give off a warmer light than my 6400k CFLs. SO, are energy saving bulbs actually just CLFs?? If so can i use them for flowering? they look the same, with the spiral shape. :-?
  8. S

    What does 'flowering period' mean????

    hi, noob question, but i have a diesel fem i wanna grow, but i need to know how long it takes from seed to bud. 'The attitude' say the flowering period is 50-65 days? what does that mean? it starts then? OR it is ready to harvest that many days after starting? :?
  9. S

    strength of air pressure needed to pass through carbon filter.....????

    How strong does the air pressure from a fan need to be to pass through a carbon filter??? I.e. are they relatively free-flowing??? :confused: For example, could you easily exhale through one?? :confused::confused:
  10. S

    Newbie in need of help!!!

    thanks for the help guys. I do actually have a fan on the go. Also, what nutes do i need????
  11. S

    Newbie in need of help!!!

    iv got it in some normal compost. The new leaves are all fine, its the older ones im worried about. Anyone!?!!!??!?! :?
  12. S

    Newbie in need of help!!!

    bump it up. my baby needs help!!!!
  13. S

    Newbie in need of help!!!

    Oh right. Im using 1x CFL at the moment. Its only for the one plant so i thought it would be enough. What nutes should i be using? Am i using too much? I followed the dosage on the back. What balance should i look for when buying nutes?
  14. S

    Newbie in need of help!!!

    Hi, this is my first grow, and im growing a Lowryder 2. I have a problem with the lower 2 leaves. The ends are dying, and turning a dark green colour and gone all wrinkely!!! :cry: One of the coytledons also died!!!! I have read through the stickies but im really confused to whether is...