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  1. Maksutov

    The UK Growers Thread!

    +1 for that. edit: For macro bridge cameras have adapters, DSLR have dedicated close up lenses...
  2. Maksutov

    The UK Growers Thread!

    3-4 ton... Argos had an advert today on telly, Nikon DSLR for £275 (didn't hear the model, probably D3000). Kit lens is good but a cheap macro on top wold push it to £400. A small lottery win and I could spend £15K on camera gear in an afternoon. Not online but in a shop (probably get a brew...
  3. Maksutov

    The UK Growers Thread!

    If you're looking at a good bridge camera the Fujifilm series are very well regarded. Don't worry too much about pixel count. You can get good ones in cashconverters for about £80. The bridge cameras have many of the manual features of a DSLR, taking photo's of a plant under lights will always...
  4. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    I make a point of never having scales in my gaff. Looks good to me. Plants near/at fruition. Chop it! Another week or two won't make any difference. Drying/curing is the next test...
  5. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

  6. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    Not being a spammer/troll, but I think this thread will disappear soon (now you're using HPs'n'junk) So: Here's 9mins of Santana: I'll try to take some photo's of my waifs and strays and post them. They serve me well. Almost forgot, making hashish is...
  7. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    Cool! Good to have a friend. GMT+1=late. dubstep The War Game:
  8. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    LOL! My tap water is about 6 ph. Just been following your girls for a while (mine are shite). The fluffy buds I trimmed compared to the Rocky... well; I've been posting "funny stuff on t'web"... If you post cease and disist, I will. If you have any requests name them. I like finding things on...
  9. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    Sorry about that :grin:. I've got lots of random clips while you're waiting. Here's the Clangers At least a couple of weeks for me. I've trimmed the bottom few buds to smoke and to encourage the tops... Soapbar is the worst!!! I speed dried the fluffy...
  10. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    You've waited this long... a little bit longer... Til then... Enjoy!
  11. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    Salvia???? Just sniff glue instead! Most of my plants have been Sativa (ish), nice and mellow. Oh yeah! and a bit high! Each to their own...
  12. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    I sleep next to my plants and keep my dirty socks nearby so lots of carbon dioxide. Just a quick note: I'm in the UK (UT+1/BST) so... for me it's midnight. One of the main reasons I started growing is since the age of mobile (cell) phones, I don't want scallywags on bikes or gangsters in...
  13. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    A bit off topic but a mate had a hydroponics set up in a spare bedroom. One day he forgot to lock the door. His ten year old son took his friends to see the Doctor Who room!
  14. Maksutov

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    For a first grow, one of the best I've seen (although I've been away for a while and don't post much). I've read the whole thread (shame about the gap in the middle, these things happen). I know you've put a lot of time and effort into it and it's paid off. Not long now... I've been growing...
  15. Maksutov

    48 hours of darkness.......

    Well... what I've heard is that the darkness and drop in temp tricks the plant into thinking it's the first frost of the Autumn. They produce more resin to stop the buds from freezing. I keep them in the dark for the last 48 hours, they don't catch fire or explode or anything, it seems quite safe.
  16. Maksutov

    CFL grow Nirvana AK48

    Girls are looking good! Thanks for the heads up on Tescos, a new shop opened near us recently so I got 15. Don't really need any more but over time they loose brightness and at 20p get 'em while you can. Don't know how others feel about this but I'm really lazy and neglect my plants, near...
  17. Maksutov

    CFL grow Nirvana AK48

    Hello again, borrowed my brothers dongle for a quick look, good stuff! The girls are looking great. Keep it up. Cheers
  18. Maksutov

    CFL grow Nirvana AK48

    Hello, another cfl UK grower here. Those big cfl's look great and the girls look nice and bushy, good stuff. On my third grow now, I like my new hobby and it means dodgy scallywags on mountain bikes don't know where I live, if you know what I mean (AND their "skunk" is green, wet and crap). Pay...
  19. Maksutov

    First time LED grow

    LED's are the future. Totally efficient, whatever "spectrum" you want (mix) and cheap (if you can be arsed soldering them together). Will be watching this one (I'm an Optics nut). Cheers.
  20. Maksutov

    help me out take a look

    Just read from page 1, took all day! What a journey! From heat lamp to jail and back. Lots of good info from good guys. Nice one Clowdy.