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  1. J

    to germinate or not, that is the question.

    i have a dank ass diablo OG seed but idk if i should germinate it or just put it in the ground. if you say germinate, could you tell me your method on how you do it? im used to the easy cheaters way out by using clones:weed:
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    When to plant my clone?

    Im in southern ca, the best state ever, anyways im wondering from fellow so cal'ers whats the best time to plant into the ground? feed back is greatly wanted!:bigjoint:
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    XxNinjaxX's Guerilla Grow

    420 came from the call cops put out when theres a disturbance or issue dealing with people smoking. example: we got a 420 in progress. i never heard that school story till now, might be plausable
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    Ignorance Is bliss? Or the truth?

    william cooper is trying to save americans, if not the whole human population. read behold a pale horse. take your own opinions from it. read all his sources dont skip them, that is very important, research his sources see how some of them died and see where they are now, your world will turn...
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    Lebron "King" James vs. Kobe "Black Mamba" Bryant

    nah kobe has accomplished much much much more then lebron. hey lebron has a physical presence but your saying youd rather have him on your team down 2 in the forth? (i dont wana hear about the shot over hedo so dont start) kobes display of athletisim in the most difficult shots and making them...
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    Crohn's Disease

    what exactly is crohns disease? i know its not a medical forum but ironically enough ive been having severe stomach pains as of late and according to webMD my symptoms fall under that category (kinda shitty). but anyways enough with the rambling and back to the question, what is the disease? and...
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    Bugs and Animals
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    Bugs and Animals

    simple simple simple answer to your problem. same situation as you, dam rabbits and deer all over. didnt want a fence that can be spotted sooo... go to home depot get one of the plastic 1 inch square fences that roll up. simple to cut and line around your area as well as only being 8$ roughly...
  9. J

    Diggin my holes, adding my soil. which should i do?

    what do you mean? why will it be hot and whats the problem in that?
  10. J

    Diggin my holes, adding my soil. which should i do?

    ok so im going to go dig my hole(s) for my plant(s). im going directly in the ground guerrilla style. the hole is gonna be 2ft by 2ft. is that correct amount of room? also im going to add a trout to the bottom of the hole and then add fox farm soil to the brim and let that sit untouched for a...
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    Dead bottom leaves

  12. J

    Safe to trim browned edges of leaves?

    title says it all. can i cut off the dead part of the leaf that is brown? or will that harm it
  13. J

    Whole plant laying down on ground but alive?

    ok so just put a clear container over it for a little? its standing up straighter then ever now so do i still need to do that? and can you guys go look at my other thread and help with that one by chance as well
  14. J

    Whole plant laying down on ground but alive?

    i barely ever water it and if i mist the leaves then itll increase the chances of them getting burned. about this humidity dome.....go on
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    Whole plant laying down on ground but alive?

    it looked like that before i transplanted and im seeing the leaves/stem perk up straight. whats the problem? underwatered im guessing
  16. J

    Whole plant laying down on ground but alive?

    ok so i went against ppls ideas and put it back into a smaller cup to hospitalize it. now all the leaves are going brown! underwatered? or is that from the leaves laying on the soil?
  17. J

    Whole plant laying down on ground but alive?

    im what we call a newbie. best method for staking it up is__________.
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    Whole plant laying down on ground but alive?

    time to get the cowboys eh? or just some english settlers. either one
  19. J

    Whole plant laying down on ground but alive?

    would it be dangerous to transfer it back into a smaller cup and kind of keep it in hospital mode for a cpl days and then put him back or is that transfer gonna be too much stress on it
  20. J

    Whole plant laying down on ground but alive?

    i transfered a clone from a small cup of fert to its home a 1 gallon pot of soil. it was about 5 inches tall and straight up. i planted it and about 2 days later i see the plant and its laying on the ground but noticable growth had occured and it was very healthy green. anyone have any idea...