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  1. K

    If The Egyptians Built The Pyramids, Why Doesn't It Show This In The Hieroglyphics?

    Yes that is they type of texts I was talking about. One of these that caused much controversy and also supports the 'Davinci Code' Theroy would be the Gospel of Phillip. Which claims that Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene all the time and that he loved her more than all the disciples. Another...
  2. K

    If The Egyptians Built The Pyramids, Why Doesn't It Show This In The Hieroglyphics?

    I totally agree with you. Some one knows something. The Catholic church is very wary of anything that could jeopordize the 'faith', regardless of what it is or how it connects to christianity. In 100-150 BC (not sure on dates) when the christian bible was put together they choose which texts...
  3. K

    If The Egyptians Built The Pyramids, Why Doesn't It Show This In The Hieroglyphics?

    As far as the light source, at least when they were building the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, they used a lamp with a pre-measured wick that would last as long as thier work day. When the wick was gone they stopped for the day. At least thats what I've read. I can't comment on the soot...