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  1. erikjay

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Fabulous thread, had to check in ... fairly new to RIU, I like it a lot 'cause I do like pot. Lousy rhyme but I had to do it. Anyway, I need batteries for the old digicam and will get some pics up in a day or two. I am in late seedling stage, three plants at 3 inches maybe, 10 days old, under...
  2. erikjay

    ? about ph

    Good story, and good looking lady. I think you're doing a fine job staying on top of things. I see a guitar in the bkgd of pic #5, you a fellow musician? I'm a BMI composer/artist out in L.A., got some jazzy/funky/upbeat instrumentals at one of my sites... check 'em out when you get a minute...
  3. erikjay

    yikes, dark green but droopy

    Okay, I am a new grower, vintage '68 smoker, and longtime student of the science (some college botany/horticulture) but definitely new to the art. I need to get my digital camera back and take a pic, I know, but that will take a day or two. In the meantime, the symptoms are few and I think I...
  4. erikjay

    Just "rolled" into town

    Thank you... I am going to post a "Yikes" help request in the problem area as I am on a first grow. I have to get good, because I have some music fans in Amsterdam who own one of the top seedbanks (I didn't even know until yesterday) and they are sending me 10 White Witch feminized seeds for my...
  5. erikjay

    Just "rolled" into town

    OK, I'm done lurking. I've joined a number of mj groups in the last few weeks, and although I don't want to play favorites, I am posting here, okay? I have seen the greatest, broadest expertise here, plus some of the most helpful people I've ever seen... reminds me of the OM (Original Mac)...