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  1. brt

    elo heath , i was on hg b4 and u had a thread with your aquafarms mod'ed so u have a return pipe...

    elo heath , i was on hg b4 and u had a thread with your aquafarms mod'ed so u have a return pipe into a rez etc, anyway was just wondering if u had any time to upload onto this site in the near future , i seen some guy askin if u had it in pdf anyway much appriciated if u get time, thanks v...
  2. brt

    anyone using a AquaFarm + controller know how to add a res ?

    ive looked into gettin 4x Aqua Farms plus the 4 unit controller but want to convert it so its recirculating into a res , anyone have any info on how the unit controlller works and how i can convert it (is it easy) so it recirculates into a res, much help on this wood be really...
  3. brt

    deciding on a new set up ?

    quick diagram of the set up im hopin to make, im just un sure on what pipes etc sizes i need for the flow / return pipe back to rez , also do i need to raise the pots up slightly higher then then the water level in the rez to allow for it to return ? anyhelp on this would be much appreciated
  4. brt

    deciding on a new set up ?

    first thing HI im new to the site , right atm i have 2 x 600w (aircooled) in a 2m / 1.2m/ 2m budbox with a NFT system . currently growing serious seeds Wr clones of my mother plant Canna nutes,. im after some advice i seem to average around 22oz dry from this set up but i want to maximize my...