Search results

  1. Shmigma

    Bugs and Animals

    well if you would search the forums you would find loads of info about how deer are deterred by surrounding the grow site in human urine, human hair as well as planting rosemary around the site. Or you could just ensure no deer come in by making a simple four post fence with chicken wire or even...
  2. Shmigma

    Farm Soil

    great thanks for the tips guys.
  3. Shmigma

    Farm Soil

    I am planning on growing on the edge of a corn field and wasn't sure if I should get some enriched soil and mix it in or just assume this farmer knows his shit. ideas?
  4. Shmigma

    greenhouse gunna get too hot?

    if you can get fans in there that would most likely be alright. It would also prevent the air from getting to humid and growing mold. I would say try fans and check the temp in the greenhouse. depending on the strain the max temp can vary. Some plants can be grown in the hottest of locals, but...
  5. Shmigma

    Rbbits and weed plants ?

    I had never heard of the soap thing, that sounds interesting, but then i read your sig and it says everything you post is a lie so i guess who knows
  6. Shmigma

    Seeds Anyone?

    Its a little difficult to believe everything that is written on the seed sites because what one site will say about a certain seed another site will say something completely different. I was looking for personal experience with seed sites and strains.
  7. Shmigma

    My 1st Wardrobe Grow Room (Pics)

    You might want to get another little fan to make sure that the air stays moving, in confined spaces that can be troublesome on the plants. Also be sure to check the pH balance of the soil because I have seen some store bought soil be slightly off and ruin a crop. =)
  8. Shmigma

    Seeds Anyone?

    The area I live in suffers from random swings in weather. I am looking for a strain that will be able to handle our harsh weather swings. Indiana is located at approx. 39 to 45 North. This means that most plants climatized for Europe would not be spot on for Indiana. I want a resiliet strain...
  9. Shmigma

    Growing in the Midwest

    Id say Im fine in my area. There are never copters because it is to close to the city. That is good cuz i wont have to worry about copters but bad because I am in a more heavily populated area, so I guess its a trade off. However the copters are actively looking for growing ops but random people...
  10. Shmigma

    what to do when a plant is dug up by stray animal

    Skunk strains are pretty resilient, it may take awhile for the plant to get back to normal from the shock but I wouldn't be surprised if it was fine.
  11. Shmigma

    never grown weed before...

    I would recommend that you take a look at some guides. If you area asking these kinds of questions then you haven't done enough research. When I started I did a lot of research and still when i went to grow nothing could prepare me fully for certain obstacles. Take your time and read up...
  12. Shmigma

    WTF! Frost TOMORROW.

    Well I would look at the leaves and see how much frost damage they have. If the all the leaves are faded and maybe a bit brown then they are done for. If just the edges of a few of the leaves are a little brown you may still have a chance. I would wait and see. But definitely dont give up yet
  13. Shmigma

    Rbbits and weed plants ?

    there are several ways to keep rabbits out. Some stores sell rabbit repellent that can be spread around the area; however, these repellents can ruin a crop if the right one is not purchased. I would just recommend putting a small chicken wire fence around your crop. The fence should be 6 inches...
  14. Shmigma

    Growing in the Midwest

    The good thing is that they only use copters in the heavily rural areas. Hopefully my small crop will be able to go under the radar.
  15. Shmigma

    portable green house

    I wasn't sure if I should use one of these but if it works why not i guess
  16. Shmigma

    Haha memories - my first plant

    nice, Im just getting started so as you can imagine I'm pretty excited.
  17. Shmigma

    Growing in the Midwest

    I hear that many of the Skunk strains work well my area. I have been reading a lot about Indiana growing ops getting busted. But I plan on using this for a personal stash nothing more than a few plants.
  18. Shmigma

    Growing in the Midwest

    I have been all over the forums looking for a thread on growing in my area. I live in central Indiana but much of the Midwest contains similar ecosystems and weather conditions. I thought I would start this thread in order to gather information on outdoor growing in the Midwest. The question...