Search results

  1. podunk421

    CFL bulb and socket?

    No, the 250w is much larger, about 5-6 times larger than your standard bulb. It also runs on a mogul socket as opposed to the standard size. They do make reflectors that are similar to that but for this size bulb but that particular one wont work for you, it wont even be able to fit the bulb and...
  2. podunk421

    Help needed with getting oxygen to roots

    You cant overdue it with the store bought stuff as its usually 3-5% H2O2 and the rest distilled water. I used it and it helped greatly but thats also assuming you dont have any beneficial bacteria in your soil cause it will kill all those too...
  3. podunk421

    Pizza Topping?

    Yeah I can see it now, pop a few caps and next thing you know.....your running to the fridge for some cocoa puffs!
  4. podunk421

    Is bestiality wrong?

    Well if the animal of choice doesn't moan and scream and light a cigarette afterwards it might be animal cruelty.... Or if said animal looks over and sees you fist fucking a goat, and it breaks its poor heart, more animal cruelty.... Either way, I wouldn't do it, although I have been...
  5. podunk421

    Sucking your oun member

    Yeah thats a great way to start the day... Johnny come down and get breakfast... Johnny... Johnny? (Opens Door) Johnny stares up, hunched over, legs behind his head, cock and balls flopping off his chin... MOM!!! KNOCK FIRST GODDAMMIT I WAS BRUSHING MY TEETH AND YOU MADE ME SWALLOW THE...
  6. podunk421

    Pizza Topping?

    Thats probably the most interesting thing I have seen in a plant pot in a while. Hey if it works get some shroom spores going in the same pot and conserve space!!!:eyesmoke:
  7. podunk421

    water wand suggestions

    Go to Lowes or Home depot and look in the fitting section and build yourself a fitting that will convert your tank output to lawn hose size threads and get a standard water wand. If your trying to pressurize it to push water out a submersible pump will do the job and they aren't too terribly...
  8. podunk421

    will i kill my plant if i lay it down sideways for a couple of days????

    It will not kill your plants if they are laid down sideways, however they will naturally respond to the light and start growing up towards the light. If you have ever LST'ed your plants you understand what I am saying. plants will naturally bend toward the light and the new bends in the plant...
  9. podunk421

    Ventilation problem

    what are you using if your air intake is below 10 degrees, thats lower than freezing temperature, that setup needs to be redesigned if thats the case.
  10. podunk421

    How to water seeds?

    a fish tank will work as a humidity dome as long as you make sure to pull it up once a day or so just to replenish fresh CO2. as for watering a small syringe or a water bottle with a few holes poked in the cap will work for the seedlings since there is not much pressure hitting the soil and...
  11. podunk421

    400w hps or 250 for my growbox???

    With a fan of that size and CFM's you should be easily able to get away with a 400W and the overall uses for a 400 w are much better than a 250 w. I planned on a 250 but ended up going for a 400 just for that reason alone, it gives you more options later on down the road.
  12. podunk421

    i want more bud help me out

    Exactly right, couldn't have said it better myselfbongsmilie You dont seem to be listening or your just not understanding. Without a set soil you cant go into nutes because you dont know what your base point is. You have lights, so we can give you advice on just that, lights. Until you pick...
  13. podunk421

    i want more bud help me out

    Walmart has a decent selection of soils, not really too sure what they have thats the best but try and stay away from any sort of time released fertilizer soils. Miracle grow is rampant but not the best (aside from the blood and bone meal fertilizers) and they are way off ph wise to really run...
  14. podunk421

    i want more bud help me out

    No, I meant that with some hunting you can find T-5's for the same price as a similar length T-8's at the walmart price through online retailers and ebay. Ideally a MH (Metal Halide/Ceramic Metal Halide) conversion would be your best bet for vegging but T-5's are good because they have such...
  15. podunk421

    i want more bud help me out

    Nowhere near the truth bud, I have grown with both and the difference is night and day. Granted the T-5's are a little more pricey but you can find them almost as cheap as stick up 2 foot T-8s you get at wallyworld ( look on craigslist or ebay). Given you want more bang for your buck the T-5's...
  16. podunk421

    i want more bud help me out

    It depends on your usage, if you use CFL's or T-5's (recommended) its only a few bucks a month for 24/7 light to veg them. With a 250w HPS expect maybe about $10-15 on 12/12 a month but it differs based on your electricity costs. Some companies have off peak cheaper hours if you can work your...
  17. podunk421

    i want more bud help me out

    I'd reccomend soil since its much more forgiving especially for a first time indoor grower. (2) 70w HPS will work but it depends on what size area your working with as well as how many plants you want to grow. If you don't have the 70w HPS yet and were intending on buying them I would suggest...
  18. podunk421

    i want more bud help me out

    No, unfortunately they dont sell no sort of liquid "bud be bigger" that I know of. There are a million different fertilizers out there and they can be amazing or horrible depending on how and what you use them for. Unfortunately it sounds like your skipping the planning, building, and growing...
  19. podunk421

    how long does it take to germinate seeds

    Could take anywhere up to a week or more depending on method, I use paper towels in a paper plate setup and have them pop usually within 48 hours.
  20. podunk421

    Horrible Luck

    Not bad, I will have to look into picking some up as it sounds its pretty helpful for those pesky hermies that pop up. Thanks