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  1. J

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    that almost sound impossible man... How do you keep your PG&E from being so high that type of thing makes a difference in CA police will be kicking down the door plus the odor from all them plants will alert your neighbors and cause problems
  2. J

    forcing a plant to bud outside, anything I really need to know?

    yeah i don't know where your at but im in cali and mites will eat your plant up it will still bud and you can still smoke it but i guarantee you want get the high you want.
  3. J

    male or female?

    thats a good question sometimes they will all look the same until you go into the flowering stage but it there is one plant that tends to grow alot faster tham the rest then it is a male the male plants usually get tall before you start seeing more leaves
  4. J

    forcing a plant to bud outside, anything I really need to know?

    It does work putting your plant outside but if you have already started growing inside i don't recomend it because of mites and spiders your plant can go into shock and decrease its chances of budding correctly
  5. J

    How do you make purple bud?

    there is a way to make your weed purple without coming from a purple strain but it will not look the same.... you should only flower for about 8 weeks and the last 2-3 weeks of flowering make your grow room really cold during its dark time, this basically bruises the leaves giving it a purple look