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  1. ontarigrow

    Free the Prince Of Pot rallys!

    1st of all it is not wasting time. These rallies WILL do something. Public awareness is #1. These rallies are going to bring Marcs case to every newspaper in Canada, outlining all of his points on marijuana and how injust the drug war really is. How many people read the paper now and read...
  2. ontarigrow

    any good outdoor pics?

    what can i say? Ontario has had a shitty season .
  3. ontarigrow

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    thanks man!
  4. ontarigrow

    You know your a stoner when....

    everyone add their own, I'm sure some of us have some good ones. I'll start er off... You know your a stoner when you're down to an ounce and start thinking that "you need."
  5. ontarigrow

    Ontarigrow '09 **PICS**

    Thanks everyone. Yeah the thieves are shit. But like I said, I will hear about it eventually and then take care of it. don't mind someone growing out my plants for me!! ' I hear you, that storm yesterday came out of no where! Good luck with your plants man
  6. ontarigrow

    Ontarigrow '09 **PICS**

    Update....All my plants in the bush got jacked. Small town, I will hear about it eventually. anyways, All my plants at home have sexed and I've got 4 out of 5. The one male was the Jamaican bagseed, so I kept some pollen sacks for breeding purposes. So I have 2 indica bagseed and 2...
  7. ontarigrow

    it all starts with a gallon of gas

    gardens like these inspire me! I'd have loved to see your last seasons grow.
  8. ontarigrow

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    Bump this question. I have collected my sacs and they are drying. But, my females are only just showing their first white hairs. Do I have to wait until my buds on the females are as big as shown? If I pollinated her now would that bud stop growing?
  9. ontarigrow

    Does weed eventually bud from age?

    wouldn't you need air flow in that bag?
  10. ontarigrow

    does your yeild outweigh your cost???

    Haha sums it up about there. That's basically initial cost, too. As soon as you've got your setup, the only thing you've got to really re-buy are nutes and eventually lights. You save lots and lots of money. grow your own medicine
  11. ontarigrow

    protecting outdoor in-ground plants from the weather! HELP!

    You can drive a couple stakes/poles into the ground at least half height of your plants and strap the shit out of them. Seems like a lot of craziness though. I would just leave them and let them get stronger in this storm
  12. ontarigrow

    Discarding male plants and incriminating evidence

    fan leaves for blunt wraps. with a few of my male plants in the past I have transplanted them to parks or at the side of the road, just at night. not very discrete but much, much more funny.
  13. ontarigrow

    hillbilly pic!

    Oh yes! that is an amazing grow you have there
  14. ontarigrow

    Collecting male pollen

    So the male cutting will stay alive just sitting in that water, and then the pollen eventually releases?
  15. ontarigrow

    1 Cop vs 25 Stoners Funny Stuff

    haha man that shit is funny. he didnt catch one person. Wish my college could set up a fatty sesh tent in the middle of the courtyard.
  16. ontarigrow

    Help w/ ph +rep

    Your best option is to the lime option that people are suggesting. Do what you were doing to your water, exactly the same, if you add in the lime(to the water) and that will gradually neutralize your soils PH. meaning your runoff PH should be close to your water. next grow, it is much easier...
  17. ontarigrow

    From High School To The Pro's

    Fuck dudes we're all stoners here, let's just chill. What makes the leaves purple? Just the strand? and that shit seems big to me for such a little pot!
  18. ontarigrow

    From High School To The Pro's

    FatSalad, you're setup is looking really good man. You'll have a beauty yield, eh? Cyproz and stangerdude maybe you guys could PM yourselves about your issues.
  19. ontarigrow

    What's the best band you just stumbled across?

    current swell fro B.C are fuckin' unreal.