Search results

  1. Connorcaff

    Good Deal?

    Is this a good buy? It includes two bulbs, and a five year warranty. If not, can anyone point me in the right direction? Just lookin for a quality fluorescent fixture for vegging, and possibly flowering. Thanks. :blsmoke:
  2. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    I have a bunch of 5 htp, but once i get paid friday I'm going to stock up on all of the above and make a list of supplements including dosages for days before, after, and during the roll. Please return and evaluate it for me. Thanks for all of the help.:blsmoke:
  3. Connorcaff

    Horrible Luck

    This is my first grow, everything went a lot better than expected. A little nute burn, and stretching was the worst of it. Unfortunately these were from bag seed and now my room is filled with nads. I know for sure one is male, however i have two that may be hermie. I took a horrible pictures of...
  4. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    You're the man.
  5. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    Yeah I'm not too pumped on the days after wards. When you rolled those lengthy time spans did you ever pre or post load to lessen the after effects or improve the roll itself? If so, of what and how much?
  6. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    So that's inevitable regardless of how much pre-loading takes place? I just don't want to find out what happens when there's no serotonin left. Any way to prevent it from completely drying up? Happy to hear of more successful day long rolls! ;-) Any tips on keeping the roll going strong?
  7. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    Been doing a bit of thinking the past few days about this upcoming event, and i was wondering if we would completely run out of serotonin after this many, or possibly even half of the planned dose? Sure, 5htp would help a little, but at some point wouldn't the rolls just stop working due to the...
  8. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    They're usually 15 dollars a pop around here, however if you buy in bulk they're around 8. Is that the typical price range?
  9. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    I'll be purchasing 5htp soon and I should have some Xanax lying around, so all is good. I'm sure some headies would do us good too.:bigjoint: I was talking to the molly supplier earlier today and it looks like I'll be getting twice the amount needed and moving half, which gets me a decent...
  10. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    I'm not looking for a magic potion bro haha i know nothings going to eliminate it. I'm just wondering if there are any vitamins or supplements out there that "ease the pain". Anything that improves rolling or would help in keeping us alive and well throughout the 24 hours I'm also interested in...
  11. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    In other words speeding up the seritonin production process or anything along those lines. Thanks.
  12. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    I see the general consensus is following the long roll we both will feel like sacks of shit. I'm glad you said something about vitamins though as I forgot to ask what supplements would aid in relieving the rough day(s) after wards and anything else that would help the roll and repairing brain...
  13. Connorcaff

    24 Hour Roll

    A few days ago my friend and I were discussing how absolutely awesome it would be to roll on ecstasy for 24 hours straight, and ultimately decided were going to attempt it over thanksgiving weekend.;-) Thing is I'm wondering if an over dose could occur. We're planning to get 11 molly capsules...
  14. Connorcaff

    My home made carbon scrubber

    how much pull should the fan have for this setup?
  15. Connorcaff

    FF nutrients

    Thanks for all of the input. And FilthyFletch I'll be sure to pick up Tiger Bloom, thanks for telling me.
  16. Connorcaff

    FF nutrients

    Thanks man, my hydro store nor home depot carry pro mix, but i may be able to duplicate the contents. Anyone else?
  17. Connorcaff

    FF nutrients

    Does anyone use Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom but with a different brand soil? I'm just looking for an alternative to FF Soil. Thanks:bigjoint:
  18. Connorcaff

    Salvia Divinorum

    Mainly I'm starting this thread because I constantly hear people claiming salvia does not work for them after smoking 300x extract (exaggeration). I smoked half a gram of 10x extract the first time a few months ago and it was nothing short of mind blowing. I was in deep conversation with...
  19. Connorcaff

    Newbie Questions for 1st Grow

    Can anyone help Skoad and I out? bongsmilie
  20. Connorcaff

    Newbie Questions for 1st Grow

    Thanks Geozander. Sadly Bio Bizz and Canna product dealers are more than five hours away from me. However I've been looking for other organic soil and my hydro store carries - and i found this mg at home depot Will any of these work with the Fox Farm nutes? Thanks again.