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  1. Z

    Rapid decline of Plant and I am lost.

    What should I do after cutting the leaves? Should I flush it again? Or just give it straight water for awhile?
  2. Z

    Rapid decline of Plant and I am lost.

    So here's the deal. 4th week flowering. Had salt buildup so I flushed with 6 gal of distilled water. At the end of the flush the ph going in was 6 and coming out a 6. I gave her some b vitamins, carboload, voodo juice for the roots but she is still fading fast. I watered today with 1/4 nutes...
  3. Z

    1st grow and plant is dying

    I flushed it last evening and we will see how it goes. The leaves are much worse than they were at the taking of the pictures. Here is the question. Should I cut the dying leaves even though they are the big fan leaves? The plant does not have that many to begin with. Will it slow the growth is...
  4. Z

    1st grow and plant is dying

    You say it is too green. Here is my other plant. She is doing very well. It is the 17th day of flowering but she is Dark Green. Is there something I should add to her nutes to get the proper color. I can give her max nutes and she just laughs at me. THe only sign is the dark green leaves. Is it...
  5. Z

    1st grow and plant is dying

    SO here is the situation. advanced nutes, bloom 1 and 2, big bud, b-52, vodoo juice, carboload. She gets very little nutes because she burns so easily. This all started last watering. 39X39X72 grow tent 400W HPS about 18 inches from plant. She is in a 3gal bag, and the bottom is always...
  6. Z

    1st grow and plant is dying

    3 to 4th week flowering. The leaves turned in a matter of 4 days. She is wilted and loosing ground everyday. I do not know what is wrong. PH is around 7
  7. Z

    HELP!! Overwatered or Heat stress?

    this is getting worse everyday. Now the fan leaves are getting dark brown spots all over the leaves. HELP MY PLANT IS DYING AND I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!
  8. Z

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    my girl is wilting and getting worse everyday. I am not sure what to do. As the pics show, the fan leaves are drooping downward. the leave tips around the buds are folding up and in. I do not know what to do next. Some of the posts I have read said something about leaching but I have no idea...
  9. Z

    HELP!! Overwatered or Heat stress?

    This is my first grow and post. This plant keeps giving me problems but I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with her. I moved her closer to my HPS 400W around 12 inches and then the problem started but I also gave her a good watering around the same time. She is in a 3gal bag with organic...