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  1. J

    Martian mean green seeds

    Hey guys It seems these are available at a site based in austria,Cannapot whom i have ordered from twice in the past with no problem,they don't accept credit cards though. Hope this helps
  2. J

    WOS Pakistan Ryder

    Hey spontcumb I also had the same problem as you with these pakistans and also the afgan kush ryder,i had to chop 8 males!Wos say there was a mix up in packaging or something and seeds got mixed up.Get in touch with Wos and they should replace them for you,for now just put them on 12/12 and...
  3. J

    The attitude know fuck all about ganja!

    Ha dude the header of your post say's it all. First off Atttitude don't need to be experts on 'ganja',they sell seeds! Secondly why you obviously buy seeds from Atittude more then once when (if) you run your own seedbank.. Whatever troll.
  4. J

    Hey Everyone

    Thanks Boneman K everyone just posted some pics in pics section,taken with phone camera so apoligies for quality! 6 pakistan ryder,8 lowryder x ak-47,10 afgan kush ryder also 1 quicksilver 10 afgan kush ryder Peace :leaf:
  5. J

    Hey Everyone

    Hey people im new here been browsing this brilliant site for a while getting some great info,recently started my first grow,will post pics when i get a chance,looking forward to chattin with everyone Peace :weed:
  6. J

    Palin 2012

    Ron Paul 2012 sounds more like it.
  7. J

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everyone new here love this site bin browsing for a while finally decided to post yay lol! Recently just started my first grow 8 Ak47xLowryder,6 Wos Pakistan Ryder and 12 Wos Afgan Kush Ryder will post pics when i get a chance cheers.