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  1. S

    need help asap - plant leaves drooping

    ive got young plants 3-5weeks old . basically they start of in very small pots as soon as i repot them 2-3days later they start drooping . i ad moist compost in to the transplant pot and then leave for 2-3days . i dont think its over watering coz i leave them for 2-3days till the tops dry then...
  2. S

    First timer, have questions

    some one from youtube , told me that when the plant is kept in a dark place leaves droop/hang , the leaves change colour due to over watering , they get spots due to too much heat
  3. S

    First timer, have questions

    im new to this site and new to growing aswell , i sort of have the same problem but my leaves havent changed colour , the leaves have been sort of hanging/drooping for a few days , i dont know what to do , could be it be over watering because i do tend to over water them ????? please help
  4. S

    How Do I Clone Marijuana Plants?Tutorial

    how long can it take for roots to grow ?