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    41 Days of Flowering, Will it Fill Out?

    k yeah im using molasses now. so your saying i should start flushing or just start cutting back on the nutes?
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    41 Days of Flowering, Will it Fill Out?

    Its day 41 of flowering and it looks like this. I believe its a NL bag seed, but am not positive. It slowly keeps growing each day and the pistils are still bright white. the only reason why i wonder is because the tricomes are starting to turn cloudy. I guess my other question is is how long...
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    Growing With Bubbles: Day 30 12/12

    i was going to get a more expensive one but how does that one work? il order one today if ebay sells them that cheap
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    Growing With Bubbles: Day 30 12/12

    i add a teaspoon to every gallon of water i add to the plant. and now during flowering i slowly up the nutes to compensate for the plants needs and slowly adding beastie blooms for more potash and K
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    Growing With Bubbles: Day 30 12/12

    thanks for the comment. the light is about 6 inches above the tall plant and about 1.25ft above the short one. for some reason the shorter plant stopped growing during flower and the northern lights shot up. dont know the ppm right now i need to get a tds meter but dont have the money so im...
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    Question regarding cool tube venting options

    Yeah i use a 6" inline duct fan from home depot. cost me about 20 dollars and i can touch the glass around the bulb all day long
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    Why would bud leaves only curl?

    Northern lights is 4 weeks into flower and the bud leaves of the colas are curling up. The rest of the plant looks great except for the cola leaves. The fan leaves are good also. will be able to post pics later
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    Wondering if switch or adding beastie bloomz a good idea?

    yeah im going to go pick some up. i have plenty of buds on them
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    Wondering if switch or adding beastie bloomz a good idea?

    thanks. did you notice a difference?
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    Wondering if switch or adding beastie bloomz a good idea?

    My plants have been flowering for for weeks now with GH flowering nutes and i want to step up to some better stuff. Is this a good idea seeing ive only used a single part flowering nute? any input greatly appreciated.
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    Need H2O2 info for using in my aero cloner.

    I use about a teaspoon for every gallon/ clears things up just fine. but once you use it you pretty much have to keep using it
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    Growing With Bubbles: Day 30 12/12

    Was bored today so i figured id post up some pics of my set up. Growing under a 400MH with a homeade cooltube. GH Nutes Day 30 of flowering The taller plant is northern lights and the shrubby plant is a random bagseed. This is my first grow let me know what you guys think. Any suggestions...
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    Help with N L. 2.5 weeks

    The plant was doing amazing, strong roots and growing like crazy. but about 5 days ago the roots got all tangled together in a root ball some how and now the plant is drooping all of the top leaves are sagging as if it's from over watering. we don't know if changing the air stones caused the...
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    Help with metal halide light question

    ok thank you. ill see what happens in a couple days
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    Help with metal halide light question

    Alright thanks. well the light is only 2 months old and i have a fan blowing over everything. it might be too close because the one plant is only about 12" tall but is also 12" wide with many leafs and off shoots
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    Help with metal halide light question

    So my set up is 2 plants Northern Lights Doing bubbleponics grow water at about 70 deg Nutrients at full plentiful air supply from stones roots are very healthy looking with large mass My friend gave a 400w metal halide Set up. They have been growing for a month now but with slow...
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    Hey highlife hows it going. just to let you know i love your bubble set up. im going simular to...

    Hey highlife hows it going. just to let you know i love your bubble set up. im going simular to the same set- up for a small 3 plant set up. had one question though? i have week old seedlings that are growning right now and i know you have your seedlings in RW. my question is.. will my...