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    Whats going on with my main cola

    its looks like the main cola is mature for some reason wtf im on week 5
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    Whats going on with my main cola

    somone plz help
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    Whats going on with my main cola

    i put her right away but i dont think shes stress shes packin wieght and trich r still producing fine
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    Whats going on with my main cola

    Hey guys, right now im growing star 47, i vegged her under cfls for 1m and a half flowered her under cfls too till about week 4 but then i just got an hps 600w , put her under it and shes growing much faster doing good , other than some of the fans that were getting heat stress, but thats taking...
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    Need some help with finding a place to grow outside a house

    Hey guys, looking for somewhere to start growing again, i live in the northeast and its too cold to grow outdoors obv, any ideas guys on where to grow so my parents dont find it
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    Hey guys i had one question!

    I live in the northeast and i understand the season are very shot but when should i start my plant outside. Im afraid to put them out beacuase i think at night theres frost when should i put them so i can yeild the most.
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    10 days of flowering and a big problem

    I had a plant growing for 3 months outdoors i live live in the northeast so it got to cold to keep it outside, i brought it inside and it bascily had no light for 2 days, i finally built a grow room and i put it in there, but on the veins of the bigg fan leaves there are brown spots and i think...
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    10 days into flower with a big problem

    I had a plant growing for 3 months outdoors i live live in the northeast so it got to cold to keep it outside, i brought it inside and it bascily had no light for 2 days, i finally built a grow room and i put it in there, but on the veins of the bigg fan leaves there are brown spots and i think...
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    What is going on?!!?

    I had a plant growing for 3 months outdoors i live live in the northeast so it got to cold to keep it outside, i brought it inside and it bascily had no light for 2 days, i finally built a grow room and i put it in there, but on the veins of the bigg fan leaves there are brown spots and i think...
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    Help Quick

    I had a plant growing for 3 months outdoors i live live in the northeast so it got to cold to keep it outside, i brought it inside and it bascily had no light for 2 days, i finally built a grow room and i put it in there, but on the veins of the bigg fan leaves there are brown spots and i think...
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    Need Answeres quick

    but do the hairs turn into buds? or are buds serperate from that, and if white hairs are sprouting that means its in flowering and it will bud right?
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    Need Answeres quick

    Well this is my second time growing, and this is my first female, i live in the northeast, i grow outdoors, i noticed on my plant, that there is multiple white hairs, which indicates its a female, but are those the bud, is my plant budding, what excalty are buds?
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    Is it budding

    Yo guys my plant has been growing since june im from the northeast and it is growing outdoors. i have noticed serveral different areas where there are white pistils, which indicates its a female, but since there are alot of white pistils growing, does that mean its budding?
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    New $4 drying box/chamber, what you think

    nice it should work just fine man
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    Does this mean bud?

    bump bump bump
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    2 of 12 plants sagging.. unknown cause... any ideas??

    too many nutes or over watered
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    leaf curl mystery. please help

    too many nutes or too much water.
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    joints, need some info

    man look on youtube plenty of guides but also stick with dutch blunts
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    Metal Halide VS High Pressure Sodium

    Dude definitely invest in a 600-1000 watt hps.
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    My plants gone!

    If your looking for some crazy strains to grow try out white berry.