Search results

  1. Sunbiz1

    Oxygen absorbers in jars?

    Thanks!, will definitely be ordering a few. :peace:
  2. Sunbiz1

    Oxygen absorbers in jars?

    Am digging around hard now, as I certainly do not wish to ruin 1/2 lb. of fresh bud.:mad: Here's what seems some better info: "Once the appropriate moisture content is achieved through drying, the buds are trimmed and placed into their airtight curing containers. Oxygen exposure should be...
  3. Sunbiz1

    Oxygen absorbers in jars?
  4. Sunbiz1

    Oxygen absorbers in jars?

    What I've noticed is loss of taste and smell over time, even when maintaining RH; keeping jars in dark areas/temps low. Now if I never opened them, my guess is I wouldn't have the issue; but I do. I can't see how removing oxygen could hurt, as it's similar to the old vacuum seal method. I'm...
  5. Sunbiz1

    Oxygen absorbers in jars?

    Has anyone tried this, or currently doing so?. O2 is certainly not a good thing for long term storage, so am considering adding these to the jars; along w/usual 62% RH packs I've been using for years. I just happen to have lots of these O2 packs, as I store food long term as whatcha...
  6. Sunbiz1

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    I just received the garlic, and the minty from the mountain top...:D Cuz' I haven't had a good mint sativa in a long, long time.
  7. Sunbiz1

    North Atlantic Seed Company

    I couldn't resist their stellar customer service, so I just placed a first time order. :peace:
  8. Sunbiz1

    420 Seed Sale ?

    Just ordered from them for the first time, customer service seems really gave them a shot in spite of chitown seeds being within driving distance.
  9. Sunbiz1

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    Can't find that strain, even on their own direct vending site; am assuming this is it...
  10. Sunbiz1

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    Whew, thanks; that helps narrow down my order. If you(or anyone else so inclined to)would be so kind, did you have any favorites from this list?...already have blueberry muffin in my cart. And been eye balling the Don Carlos smoke reports, which are a tough search find. :peace:
  11. Sunbiz1

    Should the DEA bust all the legal recreational marijuana stores in the USA?

    Considering the nearest dispensary is owned by a chain of pawn shops, would love to see them go under.! Illinois really fucked up this entire rec legislation. But arrest the customers?, NO; they didn't do anything other than not having an organic producer like myself as a better supplier. I...
  12. Sunbiz1

    What is closest state to me

    A lot better, cannabis is easy to grow; while quality boutique medical has a learning curve. I struggled for several years, learning by error; muddling past all the poor growing advice. I have friends who still insist on trying to run the wrong strains outdoors, or harvesting sativa too early...
  13. Sunbiz1

    Mery Christmas

    Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. "In honor of this holy season" Saint Peter said, "You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven." The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He...
  14. Sunbiz1

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    He's good, we exchanged some of our work; plus I got this peach moonshine. Which I drank on Kentucky lake:D People are super friendly down there, and everything is less expensive...might go back come April. Happy holidaze to you as well.!
  15. Sunbiz1

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    Yo, happy holidays to you; and all! I visited Myco from the old SH site(and here for a bit)in October, Kentucky is an awesome state. Hope you are well!!
  16. Sunbiz1

    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    A tad late on the review here: Great job by GLG on my last order, super fast turnaround time; received order in less than 48 hours upon their receipt of money order. But my real compliment once again is on their freebies, which so far have been amazing; as good if not better than the purchased...
  17. Sunbiz1

    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Just to clarify, for others purchasing in the future; the strain is wedding cake(clone) x cake fighter. Am smoking some now, usually when I harvest this much bag appeal; the high disappoints. Not this strain, it's the full package; and easy to trim!. Am using...
  18. Sunbiz1

    Great Lakes Genetics ?

  19. Sunbiz1

    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    Actually I complained b/c I couldn't find any contact info from your website, sorry for having come across sideways. I hope you'll forgive me, as 80% of my last crop was pollinated. On the upside, whomever bred the wedding cake freebies last year; wow! His or her work blows away everything I've...