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  1. weedyweedy

    dj sjamaan purple widow report

    mine autoflowered too!! :[
  2. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    Oh my it's been a while. I have to admit that my satori grow didnt turn out as I expected. However I enjoyed smoking the little yield the plant has offered. Im itching to grow again and hopefully this time, with experience, I can do better than my previous grow. I plan to grow purple widow from...
  3. weedyweedy

    its been a while and i plan to grow again. theres a good site where u can order seeds and really...

    its been a while and i plan to grow again. theres a good site where u can order seeds and really receive them. imtoyoung, were u able to get your seeds from nirvana?
  4. weedyweedy

    I miss grooowing :( Too busy and too broke to grow. I will update you guys.

    I miss grooowing :( Too busy and too broke to grow. I will update you guys.
  5. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    You're right Hogg! I couldn't keep them any longer due to security reasons. I should've kept them growing until the 10th week. I plan to grow SATORI again sometime this month and this time, I will flower them for 10 weeks.
  6. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    Oh and I miss the old rollitup :(
  7. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    I love it. I still have some and it never fails to blow my mind. The terpenes are so strong on this one. Even if I dont smoke everyday, I still smell the jar everyday :)
  8. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    I smoked them with my friends and the high was sensational! First let me start with the smell of the well-cured buds. They smell like GREEN MANGOES! I couldn't take my nose off of them! After grinding it, I would open up the grinder and let my friends smell the ground-up buds and they would all...
  9. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    Hey guys, once again I apologize for the lack of updates. I was planning on harvesting my plants on the 10th week but I had trouble keeping up with my busy schedule plus the plants are not situated in my house. I harvested the two champs a couple of days ago, on its 8th week. The buds were...
  10. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    Oh by the way, I dig this new rollitup format! Since when was it changed? I havent logged in for a loooong time!
  11. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    Hey guys! It's 5th week and I just gave them their first dose of molasses :D I will put up pictures soon :) P.S. Sorry if I am very slow on the updates. It is a busy season right now. It is election season in our country and I have plenty of tasks to perform :D
  12. weedyweedy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hello 250 watters! I thought I'd post this for inspiration :-) The strain is SATORI from MANDALA. Grown with 250W from 2 week-seedling stage up to now.
  13. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    Here are the much awaited pictures guys! (The new grow room is a small cabinet. It is not as dirty as it looks.) Once again I apologize for making you wait for this for I have been really really busy. I even failed to upgrade my lights to 400w because I just didn't have the time. I...
  14. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    That looks nice newgrowth! how old is that bud? :weed: Hello goofygolfer, I'm using a half dose of a locally-sold organic nutrient composed of bat guano, seaweed and fish emulsion. I know this is very unconventional but I don't measure my ppm's and my ecc's. I just make sure I don't...
  15. weedyweedy

    Bubblegum 3 weeks flower + clones

    Where's the smoke report??? :-)
  16. weedyweedy

    Perpetual Closet Grow

    Whoaaaaa what happened??? :O :O What you needed the most was an exhaust fan :( The closet is also too small for a 600 watter. Anyway, I hope they bounce back. Good luck. P.S. I dig the skateboards!
  17. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    +rep for finding this TreeofLiberty! :weed: :weed: :weed:
  18. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    I'm so happy with my plants :-) I haven't given them nutes since the last time I mentioned and they still look good even now that they are flowering. I will bring them nutes tomorrow and take pictures. EDIT: To make up for the time I wasn't able to log in for updates, I want to share that it...
  19. weedyweedy

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    Hello guys! Sorry for the absence! Something came up and I had to relocate my plants for a while. I couldn't find the time to update cos I was busy with work. I will be bringing them back home in a few days. Anyway! I have three females!! They have been flowering for 2 weeks now :D Remember...
  20. weedyweedy

    Trainwreck and White Widow Smoke Report

    Nice! I love it! :-)