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  1. J

    First grow, filing cabinet - need advice

    Ok I looked on ebay and saw that prices for CFLs are quite good, my question is could I use say a two 125w or 250w CFLs (6400k and 2700k) for the whole thing or would I be better off with lots of little ones? price isn't a problem with CFLs
  2. J

    First grow, filing cabinet - need advice

    The only camera I've got at the mo is my shitty cell phone camera so photos would be pointless
  3. J

    First grow, filing cabinet - need advice

    You people are great, thanks for the quick responses, I already have a built in lock for the cabinet and my door is locked when I'm not in.
  4. J

    First grow, filing cabinet - need advice

    Thanks for the links I don't own any powertools so I used some heavy duty scissors for the vent and a nice big hammer for the drawer lol there was already a tiny hole in the back so I could get the scissors in. How many bulb and watts do you think I need for a confined space like this?? Is...
  5. J

    First grow, filing cabinet - need advice

    Hi I’m new here and this is my first post. I need some help with my grow project. Here’s the situation: - I live in a rented house I share with this guy. - He’s an annoying prick who would never, ever, ever break the law. - Luckily he respects my privacy as long as I...