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  1. NorthWest69

    CFL Wrap Around

    I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had much time for posts. I harvested another plant which looked healthy enough but didnt seem to be budding very rapidly since the heat wave. My last 2 plants have yielded only 4.5 grams each, bringing my total to 23 grams on 4 plants. I doubt I'll make...
  2. NorthWest69

    How much longer must I wait ?! This is killin me!

    nice job, awesome yield for 1 plant.
  3. NorthWest69

    CFL Wrap Around

    I harvested 1 of 2 Shiva plants today. It had just over 8 weeks of flowering, and it's a very small plant. I was actually kinda amazed it's possible to grow plants this small, without it being a lowryder. The bud looks amazing, quite possibly the best looking bud I've ever grown. It weighs 11.5...
  4. NorthWest69

    CFL Wrap Around

    This plant stretched like crazy, lost all it's fan leaves, but magically it's buds grow larger each day. It's a 50/50 indica, sativa cross, and I have to ay I'm very impressed with this plant. It's been through hell and back, in a hand basket and looks like it could be a my heaviest yielding...
  5. NorthWest69

    CFL Wrap Around

    Here's my yougest Shiva plant which has been in flowering 7 weeks now. Started from seed, it took a bit longer than my other Shiva's which were started from clones. The plant is a woppin 10" so I don't expect a huge yield, but there's a good colla anyways, and it will only get bigger.
  6. NorthWest69

    CFL Wrap Around

    Thanks guys, it's always good to see another 69'er, lol.
  7. NorthWest69

    zona mid aero cfl grow / bagseed soil grow

    Wow that plant wass mini! obviously you did that from a clone eh?
  8. NorthWest69

    CFL Wrap Around

    Here's some pics of 4 of my 5 remaining plants, I have yet to harvest. There are 2 Shiva on the left, and 2 Geronimo on the right. These guys have from 1 - 2 weeks left in their flowering period. They're starting to look a little haggard now. I'm not sure how some people keep so many fan leaves...
  9. NorthWest69

    cfl grow, unknown strain, help with id?

    I would hazzard a guess if I could see what the bud looked like. It's impossible to say anything more than indica dominant right now. So hurry up and flower that monster, lol.
  10. NorthWest69

    Grow Tube - Part Deux

    I find it believable you only used 78 watts to grow a main cola bigger than a beer can. Like Mr Ganja pointed out light placement, IS EVERYTHING! When people mention "the art" of growing with CFL's, I think this is mainly what they are talking about. Sometimes having to move your lights on a...
  11. NorthWest69

    How much longer must I wait ?! This is killin me!

    You didn't get what I said before Goodlovin. It's possible to grow weed with just soil + water.....that's it. There doesn't always need to be some kind of fertilizer or nutrient being added in order for the plant to survive and bud. It will do this just fine on it's own. People add nutrient...
  12. NorthWest69

    First Grow - New Upd8 - FeedBack PLS

    Looks to be an overfetilization, flush and see what happens. Some of the plants look really good though. I would ease back a ittle on the nutes though.
  13. NorthWest69

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    nice reflector, ....seriously
  14. NorthWest69

    How much longer must I wait ?! This is killin me!

    Nice buds Molasses is always a good idea. I agree, those plants look done though. Any longer and you would be getting serious couch weed. Although you wouldn't have to add more MG if you wanted to grow longer. Molasses has plenty of nutrients the plant would use. Also even a plant grown with...
  15. NorthWest69

    CFL Wrap Around

    Alright, some of you may remember me talking about this 50/50 cross I made, which I dubbed Geronimo. Well here's the first time I've really been able to see what the bud would look like. This particular plant seems to have quite a bit of Sativa genetics, as it looks much different than some...
  16. NorthWest69

    CFL Wrap Around

    I just harvested my 'topped' Shiva plant @ just under 8 weeks of flowering. Since it was grown from a clone this should be more than enough time. There were 2 things was looking at when growing this plant. First, would topping produce more bud? and second. Would plenty of root space produce more...
  17. NorthWest69

    Week 2 into flowering..Northern Lights~

    they look like they're going to have big buds. I grow Shiva, which is Afgan and Northern Lights. It looks like you're off to a really good start. Just let yellow leaves die, and dont pull them off until they are dangling. The plant needs to use-up all the nutrients in the leaves first. Starting...
  18. NorthWest69

    CFL Grow 8th week flowering first grow

    Nice buds, pretty impressive for a first grow. It does look like there's some mite damage, and/or heat damage. I'm really not sure though. It's difficult to diagnose from online photos sometimes. Although keep in mind if mites are breeding, higher temps will increase the rate of their...
  19. NorthWest69

    CFL Wrap Around

    $60 for, wood and coroplasty $ 20 for, black duck tape, saw, and widow sealant reflective siding, is made from recycled window blinds. So $80 for what you see so far. The dimensions are 32' wide, 38' tall, and 19' deep. There shouldn't be many more costs since I have already have built my...