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  1. kami

    Introducing My Girlfriend To Smoking.

    The volcano is a little out of my price range, or i'd definitely be getting it. haha Thanks again for all of your help! :) I really appreciate it. :)
  2. kami

    Introducing My Girlfriend To Smoking.

    oh man, thank you all so much for your replies! To be honest I really wasn't expecting anything. (I have used other forums in the past and people have just been downright mean!) but yeah, keep the suggestions comming!
  3. kami

    Introducing My Girlfriend To Smoking.

    She would really like to smoke, but doesn't really like the idea of inhaling smoke. So I, obviously, suggested a vaporizer. Albeit, I haven't smoked out of one yet. I've smoked out of nearly all other smoking devices BUT a vaporizer. Does anyone have any suggestions on one to get? I don't...
  4. kami

    my marijuana

    lookin' good man. What day/week are they at now?
  5. kami

    on *:TEXT:!countdown:#:{ /mode $chan +m /msg $chan ##### Countdown has begun! ##### var %n...

    on *:TEXT:!countdown:#:{ /mode $chan +m /msg $chan ##### Countdown has begun! ##### var %n = 5 while (%n >= 1) { /timer -c 1 $calc( 10 - %n ) /msg $chan ##### --------> %n <-------- ##### dec %n } /timer 1 10 /msg $chan KAMI# ------- SMOKE ------- #KAMI /timer 1 11...
  6. kami

    Ways to Disguise a Window

    Oh man, this is my FIRST post. Hopefully it'll help you out... as i'm not sure if you've seen this or not: Hopefully it'll give you some ideas. I'm sure you don't need to watch the entire thing, just what he does with his two windows.