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  1. M

    Outdoor in New England .. Help

    i thought the plant would be over watered with it being near a wetland so i was planning on addin a small amount to it or is that a bad idea?
  2. M

    Outdoor in New England .. Help

    bump bump bump
  3. M

    First Timer

    I still need some more inofrmation on what to spray the plants with for insect control any suggestions ... its near a wetland in New England
  4. M

    Outdoor in New England .. Help

    Just a quick guestion but i got some sensi star seeds and i was wondering since there is no possible way i can even start a plant off indoors ... is it ok to plant these seeds out near a swamp where they would get plenty of moisture and sunlight ... if i add some nice fox farm ocean harvest soil...
  5. M

    First Timer

    Just a quick guestion but i got some sensi star seeds and i was wondering since there is no possible way i can even start a plant off indoors ... is it ok to plant these seeds out near a swamp where they would get plenty of moisture and sunlight ... if i add some nice fox farm ocean harvest soil...