Search results

  1. X

    first grow, budget grow box - grow log from zero to 420

    Looking REAL GOOD man, i can almost smell it from here!!!!!!!!!! must bbe nearly time to chop
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    G'day from Oz

    Yea, ( not fully tho) Trying to wrap my brain around a setup, before i actually germinate my seeds... Im on a budget, and have certain limitations,(mainly size) and previously pulled apart my old CFL setup i had. So now i have to setup a new box, or somehow squeeze and Hide in wardrobe ...
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    Need an answer!!Anyone??

    is this an indoor plant? or outdoor? outdoor it will do all the work for you as the days grow shorter. But if its an indoor plant, cut your light cycle back to say......... 12 hours ON, and 12 hours OFF approx. or just cut the light back to HALF the amount of HOURS it was ON before during...
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    **** LeGaLiZe It ****

    **** LeGaLiZe It ****
  5. X

    G'day from Oz

    bongsmilie Hey all from Australia, i just joined the site, so im a Noob.... but im a long-time smoker :eyesmoke: If anyone's from Australia (or anywhere) , send us a message, say g'day.... *******LEGALIZE IT ****************
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    Slinger36s The Church CFL Journal (PICS!)

    Awesome Job, im keen to see what its like when its done.. And i have to say................. The LST you did on the plant ( from pics ) was an awesome job to... Good luck... hope you end up with a Good amount, as one thing i've learnt is you Need a SHI* LOAD of light ( CFL's) to get...
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    first grow, budget grow box - grow log from zero to 420

    Awesome job man. I bet the anticipation is killing ya !!!!!! And Great effort on the Journal to, lots of useful info. I Remember my first CFL micro grow, i could stop checking them , they never seemed to grow lol ......... So How many plants are actually in there now????? (sorry , i...