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  1. OldGrower

    Umami Seeds

    About to chop Cherry Lime Soda this weekend 9 weeks looks and smells fantastic. Up next a couple salted lime sherbet need some sativa. About to get Zoda delivered. Usually run Inhouse.
  2. OldGrower

    Heavily Connected seed bank

    Good bank have used quite a few times
  3. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    I need to change the statement I made earlier about the pump I am using. Earlier I said I was using a Rio 33hf which is incorrect. The pump I am actually using is a Rio Plus 2245. As stated earlier it is highly reliable even after 6 years of on/off cycling.
  4. OldGrower

    HydroRed's Horticultural Whorehouse

    Hey @HydroRed, finally got my package from GLG, slow mail due to holidays, but arrived yesterday. Impressive that I paid for 7 seeds of Monkey Juice and got 28 freebie seeds. MJ will be taking a swim soon.
  5. OldGrower

    HydroRed's Horticultural Whorehouse

    Red, what method do you use to reverse and make seeds. I have tried silver thiosulfate without success. Would like to back up some strains I have in seed form. Thanks OG
  6. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    The way I did top spray with 1/4 inch tubing off a 1/2 inch feed line did not work well, and clogged. Probably if I had put sprayers into 1/2" PVC and mounted into top of tube it would have performed better.
  7. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    I would only shoot up. Water will run down roots and drip. Roots will lay in water once they hit the bottom. I tried top feed and went back to bottom feed.
  8. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    You do not need 12 sprayers per tote, way overkill. The sprayers have a 360* pattern for 2 plants I would use 3 sprayers. Just my opinion
  9. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    How many plants you putting in each tote?
  10. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    You will not get 20gph because of what is called head pressure, distance the liquid must travel vertically. Look up your pump online and you should be able to find this info from manufacturer. I know of no gph figures just gave you mine as an example. Like I said build it and see how it sprays.
  11. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Use the 800 put the system together and see if you like the spray. I use a Rio 32HF pump for 30 sprayers, head height is about 36 inches so puts me around 45 GPh per sprayer. I highly recommend the Rio hf line have been using this same pump for 6 years without a problem even with cycle timing 1...
  12. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    How many sprayers?
  13. OldGrower

    HydroRed's Horticultural Whorehouse

    Hey guys I have noticed slow and deficient growth lately. RH has been low in the grow area so I added a humidifier and the plants straightened up. Must be something real about VPD. OG
  14. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Good catch @Nizza have been battling the mites, had low humidity. Broke out the Knock down after trying neem oil. Predator mites on way.
  15. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    This is the first time running these strains Right 2 rows Lucid Blue Mid 3 rows Gelato 33 Left 2 rows Super Sour Diesel Messed up my moms when I went on vacation in Oct nearly lost them due to time on water system.
  16. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    More pics 1-tracking sheet notice week 3&4 keep all pertinent info 2-current grow 3-new mums 4-close up At 24 days flower
  17. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    A few pics 1-top look thru LEDs 2-end of tube, res, and inline filter 3-carbon filter, fan, and ozone gen 4-end of tube, spray feed, I like pool noodle For netpot &hole covers
  18. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Nice I diy'ed CXB3590's for my area approx 1k in 25ftsq I really like led
  19. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    I will try to post current pics really no change on system but will post my methods for sure
  20. OldGrower

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Are you using led and if so type maker watts sq ft etc