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  1. MoonChildg13

    Hydrogen Peroxide Question?

    From personal experience H2O2 can be kinda harsh on roots. If you feel you need it then maybe consider getting some Dutch Master ZONE....that stuff works well.
  2. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    OH, forgot to answer your last question....yes, each plant gets a "dose"... scoop to scoop and a half
  3. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    OH,,,as to your last question..yes. Each plant gets its own.
  4. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    Rid-X forgot the scoop...THOSE Just measured the scoop that came with mine and it's right at a Tablespoon. If possible, since I failed to, would you mind doing some before and after pics? For two gallon DWC I used 1 TBS (I have a Habenaro plant in a 2gal DWC). My girls...
  5. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    OH...and for pics. I did not take any "before" pics but I got 4 more seeds germinating now and I will start a photo journal with before and after pics. I would have taken pics had I known the reaction was gonna be like it was for me.
  6. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    That could be true but the results I'm getting on both my girls and the pepper plants kinda tells me otherwise, or something different is working. I am very pleased that in the organic DWC there is no slug mess with BB as opposed to last time I tried organics in DWC without BB.
  7. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    texas, one plant started to show a Rams Horn effect so that was the only conclusion I could come to.
  8. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    I mentioned earlier that I had bought a grocery store brand B.B. Without going into detail I am going back to the Rid-X brand. It just seems I get more bacteria action with it than the grocery store brand. Even though I get 10.5oz of Rid-X for about $6.50 as opposed to the other which is...
  9. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    Update of the DWC using Organic nutes. First time I tried organic nutes in DWC it was a sluggy mess after two days. The other day I started another DWC using all organics but added the Bacteria. No signs of any sluggy mess has even tried to form. Rid-X and organics in DWC just may go hand in...
  10. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    oh yea...In one DWC I'm using GH FloraNova, another Advanced and another Dutch Master and Gen.Hydro's Organic. 2 are for the pepper plants and the other two are for my girls. Too soon to tell on the GenHydro's Organic but otherwise all are going very well.
  11. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    Naw man, not a stupid question at all. The Beneficial Bacteria of Rid-X is basically the samething as Subculture B from General Hydroponics, only at a fraction of the price. They want roughly 34.00 for 3 oz and I buy Rid-X for $6.75 for 10.5 oz. The other day I bought a grocery store brand...
  12. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    Actually that is a good question. I meant to add this below but the more I think about it I have to wonder what kind of agitation takes place is a septic tank. For the fun of it I am going to take another pepper plant but only use a regular 20gal air pump to see what happens. I'll do that...
  13. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    I've never explored the BP arena, just DWC. However, in my DWC I have a very powerful air pump so there is heavy agitation. For the heck of it I setup a DWC for one of my Habenaro Pepper Plants using organic nutes. I just want to see if I get that "sluggy" crap again using the Rid-X. I would...
  14. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    In DWC, not soil for almost a year. My advise would be to go ahead and start it at certainly can't hurt. Just don't use Dutch Master ZONE with it.
  15. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    I have no idea why I came up with this idea, hell I wasn't even smoking when I did. WHOA, that's scary but anyways yesterday morning I went to the local grocery. They had a "store brand" box of Beneficial Bacteria (same stuff as Rid-X) but it was $5.25 for a 2lb box. I actually like this...
  16. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    In the soil? not up until now. This current grow I am using the GH Organics line. The complete line was given to me by a bud that went to a tradeshow somewhere in CA not too long ago. In DWC, only once did I use organics, what a mess but I'm thinking about trying again but this time throw...
  17. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    Jeffchr....dang it, left out some.... when using in soil, I've not found it necessary to add molasses. Humic and Fulvic acids in soil provide food for the bacteria to exist. It probably would not hurt at all in doing so it's just that I've not add molasses in soil. In my DWC, I do.
  18. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    One thing I found out when adding it to soil, same thing for Mycorrhizae, that a small amount goes a long way. In the box of Rid-X comes a plastic spoon, approx 1tbs, I would add one scoop to approximately 2lbs of soil. Some times more soil. Now here's one thing I've started doing lately...
  19. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    Tnrtinr....good point but I got to thinking about something after reading what you wrote. I once tried organic nutes in DWC...what a mess. Still use some but only for the soil. Now, what if, big what if here, but what if I tried organic nutes again in DWC but this time add the Rid-X. Just a...
  20. MoonChildg13

    Would not have believed it otherwise..

    Forgot to add that when i used it for soil I just sprinkle into the soil and mix it up.