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  1. Niz

    Hurricane coming need advice!

    Yeah fencing is a pretty good idea, i have this fallen down tree nearby my growspot and i could use the hole it dug out for shelter possible. And im probaly going to make a wooden barrier around it that should help alot.
  2. Niz

    Hurricane coming need advice!

    thanks space angel!
  3. Niz

    Hurricane coming need advice!

    it sucks cause the plant just started to hit a growth spurt and now a hurricane is coming to mess it all up :( i will probaly brace it with wood and wrap it with something breathable and hope for the best
  4. Niz

    Hurricane coming need advice!

    So i heard that there is a hurricane coming to where i live and i have a plant outdoors and I cannot move it anywheres so i need some advice how to keep it safe. any ideas?
  5. Niz

    Plants sprouting in my weed soil?!

    I am fairly new too growing and i noticed that there are several random plants sprouting in my weed soil. I want too know Could this harm/effect my plant in any way?
  6. Niz

    eh budddddddddd

    eh budddddddddd