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  1. D

    Is my White Dwarf too small?

    Yea it had kinda a rough start.. I just wanted to know if it will bulk up... I'm worried
  2. D

    What's wrong with my white dwarf?

    It's about 25 days old and it looks like this....It has white hairs already!! I'm like oh no is it flowering? It's so small. How can I make it bigger?
  3. D

    Is my White Dwarf too small?

    It's about 25 days old and it looks like this....It has white hairs already!! I'm like oh no is it flowering? It's so small. How can I make it bigger? :leaf:
  4. D

    Question about feminized seeds

    Fem seeds are the way to go. The best chance of having something to toke on. I would recommend You can purchase single seeds and they deliver to the US stealthily. The seeds I ordered all germinated :weed:can't wait tell they start budding.
  5. D

    White Dwarf Seedling pulled out of soil

    My white dwarf seedling was pulled out of the soil. Its about a week old. I immediately put it back in the soil.. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do to keep it alive?:confused::confused:
  6. D

    If Aliens Created Man, Who Created The Aliens?

    Edgar Cayce explaination that I find interesting is :People usually demand a beginning, so in the beginning there was a sea of spirit and it filled all of space. The spirit was static, content, and aware of itself. It was a giant resting on the bosom of its thought and contemplating what it is...
  7. D

    Who Created Hell?

    Humanity did........ If you think of Hell being a literal place I would say Hell is here on Earth....and the people in poverty and homeless see if everyday. Not only are the people in hell begging for water.. Guess what they're asking for food and shelter too. And from my experience not only is...
  8. D

    Who Created Hell?

    Humanity did........ If you think of Hell being a literal place I would say Hell is here on Earth....and the people in poverty and homeless see if everyday. Not only are the people in hell begging for water.. Guess what they're asking for food and shelter too. And from my experience not only is...