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  1. P

    Blossom blaster

    when is the best time to add blossom blaster and has any one used it befor its made by grotek
  2. P

    Super Cropping

    my mate waits till he is about to flower then he count 14 up the main steem then cuts it off then ties all of it down is this super cropping he get good yeild doing this!
  3. P

    fim whats the next step

    well do just let it grow the way it does or do you have to do other things
  4. P

    fim whats the next step

    once you fim whats the next step tieing triming can someone help me out
  5. P

    this is my set up

    :bigjoint:i have nine pots with two 600w per pot ive just finished the set up and about to start growing im useing cocco with duchmaster gold feed i have a split system to help with the temp im hoping to get 2pounds of each plant im thinking of doing fim to them but not shore if any one can tell...
  6. P

    what get s you the most yeild

    as it says whats the best way out of those three to get the most yeild fim topping or tieing them down or if you know a better way let me know thanks!
  7. P

    LST & topping

    can you fim then tie it down or whats the best way to get the most bud!