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  1. S

    Problem with a few ladies!

    For anyone who was even the least bit interested, Thrips was my problem. Thank you Skyhi for posting.
  2. S

    Problem with a few ladies!

    No one knows what this problem could be?
  3. S

    Problem with a few ladies!

    I have a couple plants with a problem i cant see to diagnose. The older leafs have the most damage and it is slowly creeping up. Both plants are in there own buckets and get fed differently on different days. have a small area to grow, 5.5ft max at the bottom of the light (2X 400w hps). The...
  4. S

    Excellofizz Tablets , ever use em?

    Just some info on these pucks i have found. Excellofizz is perfect for the grower who has been considering the use of CO2 but has been hesitating due to the high cost factor, or for growers in a small area. Try Excellofizz for 1 month during flowering and see what a difference CO2 makes...