Search results

  1. dogsled

    Can anyone recommend a cheap PPM meter?

    What model do you use? I see Hannas from $25 to $700. How much do I need to spend to get something that will do the job. I don't want to spend any more then I have to. I don't want junk thats not gonna work at all but I don't want top of the line either. If I could get something that would...
  2. dogsled

    Can anyone recommend a cheap PPM meter?

    I'm looking for a cheap PPM meter. I would like to keep it around $50-$60. I have been looking around here and I see HM, Milwaukee, and Hanna all make meters around that price. Can anyone recommend what one I should get? I'm growing in soil and...
  3. dogsled

    Hawaiian Mango

    Someone has to have grown this.
  4. dogsled

    When is the right time to switch the lights from 18-6 to 12-12 & start the flowering?

    Whenever you want. They double to triple in size during flower so it all depends on how big you want them.
  5. dogsled

    Hawaiian Mango

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  6. dogsled

    Hawaiian Mango

    I bought some clones from a guy about two months ago. He told me the flowering time was about 62 days. He said the strain was Hawaiian Mango but all the info I can find is for plain Mango, is this the same thing? Anyone know anything about this strain? I have 10 plants in 31 days into...
  7. dogsled

    Powdery Mildew

    No ideas? Anybody?
  8. dogsled

    Powdery Mildew

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  9. dogsled

    Powdery Mildew

    So I have powdery mildew. I have been spraying with Serenade but it keeps coming back. The humidity outside is 80-90 percent sometimes and I don't have anywhere else to pull air from. I got an air cooled hood so I could keep the temp down without having to exhaust the room. I have a...
  10. dogsled

    WTF??? Have you seen this before???

    What strain is it?
  11. dogsled

    Bury a Fish underneath your plants!

    For all you people that are pissing around your plants to keep deer away you might want to rethink that. You may actually be attracting them. I have seen deer lick the ground where people have pissed. Heres and article that talks about deer being attracted by human urine...
  12. dogsled

    Best bag seed you've grown

    The purple stuff I started myself from bag seed, the others I got from a friend who started them from bag seed. All the plants in my grow journal are bag seed.
  13. dogsled

    Crystal Rain Seed Germination!!!

    Whats Crystal Rain?
  14. dogsled

    Powder Mold?

    I sprayed mine with 1 part milk to 9 parts water yesterday. I couldn't find any mildew today.
  15. dogsled

    Powder Mold?

    I've also heard milk works good. I just spayed my plants with a mixture of 1 part milk 9 parts water. I'll post how it goes.
  16. dogsled

    <OUTDOORS>keeping people away and knowing when there close

    Thats awesome. I don't even grow outdoors and I want one just for hunting. They have come a long way since I looked into them a few years ago.
  17. dogsled

    <OUTDOORS>keeping people away and knowing when there close

    Why didn't you just chase them off? I mean since your just sitting out there all day anyway.
  18. dogsled

    <OUTDOORS>keeping people away and knowing when there close

    Yeah the reservation is a whole different story. If you belong there you know where to stay away from and if you don't belong there you don't just go walking around in the woods. They can pretty much get away with anything on the res.
  19. dogsled

    <OUTDOORS>keeping people away and knowing when there close

    You might not have said your are shooting people but you sure implied it. The OP's post was pretty clear: Your post made it sound like you were sitting there waiting to shoot anyone that came upon your crop. Enough people think this is how it is already. Every time I hear about an outdoor...