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  1. olishell

    Is harvest time?

    Pistle color is a good indicator,but only microscopic viewing of the trichomes will tell you what you want to know. 12.00 at radio shack.
  2. olishell

    check out my first successful grow

    Good job for anybody.You have a talent for this.
  3. olishell

    people harvisting now so it can be ready for 4\20

    Maybe I'm not current but,what happens on 4/20?
  4. olishell

    Ready to order..

    I ordered 6 fem sweet afghan seeds.I got one train wreck free. The train wreck came out of the gate at full speed.One hell of a plant. At 16 days old,it's over a foot tall and bushy.The sweet afghan seeds?....Out of 6 seeds,only two germinated.I also germed 6 bagseeds of unknown origin in...
  5. olishell

    Widest leaves ever!!

    It's an Indica.Indica's have wide leaves.I'm growing Afghan delicious femmed. It looks alot like that.
  6. olishell

    How long before a clone shows sex???

  7. olishell

    medijuana,anyone tried?

    Where did you get the beans please?
  8. olishell

    Colors of trichomes?

    To address the q: about the blue,green,and red trichomes.I noticed the same thing.The colors aren't from the trichomes.The colors of the surface of the table,your green shirt and other bright colors in the room can be reflected in the trichomes.
  9. olishell

    The Left = Trifling

    The best I can do? about this...bite me.
  10. olishell

    4-day bud dryer

    Fast drying is not for me.I'm patient in growing, so why rush the drying/curing aspect.And I think you're the schmuck.Do you know what schmuck is?It's the piece of foreskin that is taken off of a penis during circumcision....that's you.
  11. olishell

    y is my plant growing like a palm tree

    Those are very modest plants.It looks like they're lacking in just about all areas.Food,light,water(too much)and space(not enough.
  12. olishell

    Thought control up there in the frozen attic ....

    Ann Coulter is only one more talking head.
  13. olishell

    Harvest Bud Shots

    Looks killer.What strain is it? you know?
  14. olishell

    Does this plant still have hope???

    And don't water every day....too much.
  15. olishell

    Fruit Loops????

    If you're serious,you shouldn't even be walking around.Hell yes,do it.
  16. olishell

    Huge leaves!!! That might block light

    You've been given sound advise.
  17. olishell

    Obamacare is Dead - Long Live Healthcare!

    Well ostrich...looks like you're fucked ,huh?
  18. olishell

    Sugar on Leaves?

    If you want accurate information...we'll need a close pic.Could be that you're seeing trichomes,not powdery mold.
  19. olishell

    Help With SEX?

    All guy,guy. sorry
  20. olishell

    sage x white widow male or female

    All boy guy.