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  1. B

    Let's play everyone's favourite game: Male, Female, or Hermaphrodite!?

    Thanks. It's easy to jump the gun with excitement, but I guess I'll have to wait and see.
  2. B

    Let's play everyone's favourite game: Male, Female, or Hermaphrodite!?

    Hey guys, been neglecting my journal, but I'm into flowering about a week, and I'm wondering what the sex of my little plants are? Here are some pics. From left to right: the first pic is plant #1. Pics 2 and 3 are from a second plant, and pics 4-5 are from a third plant. I have a gut feeling...
  3. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Thanks. Will do. Day 27: Number 2 Day 27: I am concerned about the nute burn I was experiencing earlier, but number 1 has yellow leaves now without the banding, so I think it is experiencing a lack of nutrients (due to its age). I will introduce a small amount of nutrients in the next...
  4. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Day 24: Day 25: Day 26: Number 2 Day 14: Number 2 Day 15: Number 2 Day 16:
  5. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Do you think they're likely to hermie at this point if I add another hour of light (so it's 15/7)?
  6. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    I think the deformities are from when I "topped/FIM'd" them - I may not have done this properly, and so the part I clipped is growing back awkwardly. I will raise the lights though since the leaves have seemed rather dry to the touch... The soil I'm using is what I had on hand: it's .07/.01/.03...
  7. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Day 22: Day 23: Number 2, Day 12: Number 2, Day 13: Things are going really well :D In fact, I'm pretty sure I can see crystals forming. Yet, I've had them on 14/10 hours of light (with, during the dark hours a 5W LED light shining). Is it possible they can flower this early? I...
  8. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Is that an LST joke? :P
  9. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Day 21: Number 2 Day 11: Also, a new pic of my setup as I added 2x23W CFLs:
  10. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Day 19: Day 20: Day 21: Number2 Day 8: Number2 Day 9: Number2 Day 10: Also, an update on the nute burn situation (close-ups) Number2 (left) - Number1 (right) In natural light (top) it looks to be subsiding...
  11. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    I guess I learned that the hard way. :X
  12. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Some updates: Day 17: Day 18: number2 Day 6: number2 Day 7: Diagnosis: Now, I've got some leaf-colour woes which have me worried. On this last pic you can see what I mean when comparing the 2 plants under the same light conditions. It seems that my first baby is having some sort of...
  13. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Here are some pics of my space: I have the plants hanging under the light on a pyrex tray. This is so I can adjust them, rather than the light so that the fans can remain nearest the light to suck out hot air.
  14. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    As you can tell, on Day 14 I started LSTing. Today (16) I also FIMd because she was on her 5th node. Number 2 Day 4: Number 2 Day 5:
  15. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    More updates: Day 15: Day 16:
  16. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Yeah just as a supplement. I'm not going to upgrade anything serious for this grow, and adding CFLs, I've noticed, have really just added too much heat to the box, so I figured the LED would be a good trade-off. Day 14: And here's #2 (Day 3 since sprouting):
  17. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    Thanks del, you've talked me into ordering one of those 225 LED panels that are floating around. I think I'll stick with this setup, and see how it goes. Even if I can only support 2 plants, that's enough for my purposes :D
  18. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    P.S. I'm trying to develop my senses for nutrient problems, at Day 10 I thought I noticed yellowing of new growth (micronutrient deficiency?) and when I added nutes, for the first time, this colour went away (look at Day 11). Does that sound right?
  19. B

    150w 2.5'x1.5'x1.5' mini cab-grow - 1st time

    So here's my journal. I'm a first-timer with anything serious like this, so we'll see how it goes. I was originally planning on a stealth grow, but due to temperature problems, and a lack of materials, costs, and time it's become pretty stealthless. The box has a roughly 120mm house-fan and...