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  1. B

    Harvest time?

    We are coming to the end of our first grow from seeds and have done everything by the book "Marijuana Buds For Less". Both plants look good with nice looking buds on them. They still have quite a few white hairs and we need to know when to harvest and do we have to harvest all at once or can...
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    Please Help!!!

    We had 3 plants from seeds that had been doing really well. One started forming what we were sure were buds about 10 days ago. Until this morning there was no sign of sex from the other 2. Today we finally noticed white hairs on those. The problem is we also noticed that what we thought were...
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    Help with first grow

    This is our first time growing with seeds. The first 16 days were on a 24 hour light cycle and then they were cut to 12-12 after 16 days. By day 29 one of them was already showing some buds. The other 2 are still not showing anything on day 36. One is really tall and skinny with few branches...
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    new harvest

    thanks illegal smile.....where did you get your screen name. There is a John Prine called illegal Smile.
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    new harvest

    we just harvested some and cant wait to try it. has anyone ever vaporized fresh bud?
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    please send some picts of mature bud

    We are coming to the end of our first grow. We need to be sure we are harvesting at the right time. Can some of you send some pictures of buds at harvest so we can get a better idea? Thanks
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    PICS - Yellow/Brown Spots on Fan Leaves - 4 weeks into flower

    how do you take care of a heat stress problem. We live in Texas and its always HOT. We keep them in a grow closet in an airconditioned room with fans on them at all times.
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    Nutrient burn or Deficiency

    we have some brown leaves and yellow spots on our plants. We are using BMO nutes during our waterings. What is the problem? Any ideas?