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  1. lrod1516

    400 hps or 250 mh/hps

    im lookin into buyin a used light one is a 400w hps and tha other is a 250w hps but has a brand new mh conversion bulb. tha ballast that comes with it is about 2 yrs old. should i worry about this cuz i have no idea how long they last. wat would be tha better buy??? tha 400 i 125 and tha 250 is...
  2. lrod1516

    please help fast

    i have a can filter 1500 thats carbon activated and im on a budget so i bought a inline booster 6" fan thats 160 cfm but will it be more effective to push air through tha filter or to pull air through? i tried to pull but it still smells bad and this is a BIG problem. i tried flipping it and it...
  3. lrod1516

    new clone question w/pics

    can anyone tell me wats up with these leaves? in one picture it has that whitish stuff on it and in tha other pic a few of tha tips are yellowing but not curling or nething yet. i have 2 clones under a 125 watt cfl going 24 hrs. clones were put in cups 10/10. def no nutes yet so idk wat it could...
  4. lrod1516

    quick quesstion

    i have two clones under a 125 cfl there still in party cups for about another week but tha top leaves are pointing straight up sorry i dont have any pics =( but id appreciate advice bcuz ive heard it could be too much light or heat but im not sure. plants are about 3 maybe 4 inches from light so...
  5. lrod1516

    cfl or hps???

    cfl or 250 hps. its a small closet about 3' x 20" and about 6' high but tha light would be about 3 or 4 feet off tha ground but i originally planned on 375 watts cfl but if an hps would penetrate better and use less energy.... idk please offer me advice. cheaper light bill tha better of course...
  6. lrod1516

    mylar question

    i making a cfl box that has a frame made out of wood and im covering it with mylar but a lot of light seems to juss go thru tha mylar. is this bad or does it make a difference?
  7. lrod1516

    The You Know Your A Grower Thread

    ahahahahahah 22 is sumthing i alwasy find myself doin
  8. lrod1516

    need new grow advice

    I recently came across a website called high tech garden supply and i was really thinkin about buying a complete kit from them but could any1 help me out by letting me know if they are a legit company and if tha kit is a good price n everything. thanks for any inputs or advice. *heres tha link...
  9. lrod1516

    need some pointers a little help

    theyll look a lil off for a day or two but they perk up once tha roots catch on juss give it a day or 2 brutha
  10. lrod1516

    need some pointers a little help

    So you have 6 18 watters? n yea youcan try raising tha lights but not to much cuz wen they stretch they sumtimes get real lanky with weak stems so juss be careful
  11. lrod1516

    need some pointers a little help

    Wat kind of lights are you using bro? It does look lyke its time for them to be transplanted tho cuz they do look a little small but keep at it brutha n they'll catch right up
  12. lrod1516

    250 Watt CFL for flowering?

    hey can someone please help me with this quick question. With a 250 watt cfl wat kind of socket would you plug it into or how do you get it running? would you have to get a fixture to hold tha right amount of watts?
  13. lrod1516

    MicRo Grow 2nd try CFL

    its normally from 6 to 8 weeks but some signs can even show at 4 weeks
  14. lrod1516

    new grow setup question

    Im starting my second cfl grow and i recently bought a 125 watt cfl with tha fixture for 65$ but i was wondering how many plants could i grow with that 125 and 6 23 watt cfls. help would be greatly appreciated
  15. lrod1516

    how much u think i can yield from this? possibly dank too? (pics)

    To me it looks lyke a few grams mayb around 5 ta 10
  16. lrod1516

    Splitting my grow tent into two rooms! r

    You could try puttin cardboard up n juss mylar over it?
  17. lrod1516

    need lighting help

    k to start off im pretty new ive done two cfl grows with only one being succesful but i want to start a new grow and do it right this time now that i have my own place. so i wanted to keep my light budget between 100-140$ so wat would be the best lights to get? i would really appreciate tha help
  18. lrod1516

    Few very bottom small leaves Turning yellow Because of lack of light?

    I've been havin the same problem bro but idk if light would b the problem. If you hear nething can u let me kno. Thanks a lot
  19. lrod1516

    Lighting question

    Ok so im new to growing and up till now i just been using cfl's but i recently just got a hps bulb and i have no idea how to setup a hps light system so can anyone help me out and tell me what i need to get it going. like what other equipment will i need? any help will be greatly appreciated