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  1. rollanotherblunt

    yea but i never got around to planting yet alot of shit has been going on

    yea but i never got around to planting yet alot of shit has been going on
  2. rollanotherblunt

    Need help

    alright later
  3. rollanotherblunt

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    yeaa i ed that somewhere thats how i got all my seeds
  4. rollanotherblunt

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    nice i might save the rain water for somehing i know will sprout you know?
  5. rollanotherblunt

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    haha yea well its storming pretty hard here
  6. rollanotherblunt

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    haha yea it ruined out fourth of july party because of the rain haha
  7. rollanotherblunt

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    oo thats a good tip there =P but yea i dont smoke so nothing to worry about =P and i put somthing out there but i will probably wind up putting a big heavy bucket out there the wind is blowing really hard
  8. rollanotherblunt

    haha i hope so! but yea tommorrow i will probably go and look at that organic soil i mgiht do it...

    haha i hope so! but yea tommorrow i will probably go and look at that organic soil i mgiht do it today if the storm blows over
  9. rollanotherblunt

    Need help

    thats a good idea i might do that and no i dont haha i have neve smoke a cig in my 23 years of living haha
  10. rollanotherblunt

    nice dude but i just dont think i will ever get to actually grow a plant seems likes im just...

    nice dude but i just dont think i will ever get to actually grow a plant seems likes im just doing everything wrong lol
  11. rollanotherblunt

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    nah not yet lol i might have to go tommorrow its storming here and i have to get everything in the house =P
  12. rollanotherblunt

    nice dude but i just dont think i will ever get to actually grow a plant seems likes im just...

    nice dude but i just dont think i will ever get to actually grow a plant seems likes im just doing everything wrong lol
  13. rollanotherblunt

    hey man. i was thinking when i get everything right and actually know it will sprout and grow i...

    hey man. i was thinking when i get everything right and actually know it will sprout and grow i think i will mke journal
  14. rollanotherblunt

    never sprouts?

    that is a really cool video thanks
  15. rollanotherblunt

    Need help

    hey man whats up
  16. rollanotherblunt

    Need help

    me too lol
  17. rollanotherblunt

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    alright thanks :leaf: how big is a averge size plant?
  18. rollanotherblunt

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    oh well im probably going to force flower after it gets 12 inches
  19. rollanotherblunt

    Need help

    alright =P well dang i really hope i grow and actually get to harvest a plnt o.O i know this is WAY to early to be asking about but how can you tell if its time to harvest? i read somewhere that you have to get a mag. glass and look at the crystals and see if they have something in them or...
  20. rollanotherblunt

    Need help

    alright thanks man. i might just start completly over with a new seed and soil and everything lol and i might add alittle to my grow box =P and how bad do you think it will smell?