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  1. Cheese101

    Controlled Environment Agriculture by Shrubs

    Nice Man Real Nice And I Agree Rhizo And Pk Are Good Products I Use All The Canna Range Myself With Great Results Feed Them Pk Earlier Than It Says On The Bottle As I Found Wrks Much Better :peace:
  2. Cheese101

    150w hps, 84w cfl, and some indica strains!

    Mate Them Seeds Could Be Anythink Id Never Trus Seeds That Dont Come In The Proper Casing Wrapper Ect
  3. Cheese101

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    Very Nice Looking M8 And Nice Journal Mr West Bit To Much To Read It All Lmao But What Ive Seen Excellent Man
  4. Cheese101


    Ye Man I A Must bongsmilie
  5. Cheese101

    cylee's First Indoor CFL Grow from Seed!

    Ahh Well Lights On 24 Seven Then lmao Get Your Temps Upto 26=27 For A Faster And More Successfull Germination:peace:
  6. Cheese101


    Ye I Grow Many Anty Anxiety Weeds This Ive Never Grew Tho So Cant Wait To Here What Yu Think Icve Been Wanting To Grow Long Time Its In My Next Seed Oreder Lmao And LA Women is also a great strain Good Luck Man
  7. Cheese101

    cylee's First Indoor CFL Grow from Seed!

    Well When I Pot Up Il Soak Pot After I Planted Seed And Place In A Prop And Bobs Your Uncle Maybe Seed Rotted Cus Too Wet And Too Hot As Seeds Love The Damp Man Cold Or Heat Course Probs Like Seed Rotting Ye Id Put A lIttle Water On Ya Seedlings Then Place Some Clingfilm Over Till Sprouted And...
  8. Cheese101

    55b's Bagseed Grow. 150w HPS.

    Cool Man Soz If I Sounded A Bit Of A C..t And When I Mentioned The Light Not Been ANuff I Wass On About The Flower Light I Think It Might Be A Little Small Id Only Flower 1 Plant Under It If I Was You You Will Get Same As Putting All Them Under;-)
  9. Cheese101

    cylee's First Indoor CFL Grow from Seed!

    Ye Cool Man Good Look :peace:
  10. Cheese101

    Need help sexing

    Feminised Seeds Are Brilliant Mate Dnt Listen People Say They Hermie Thats Bull Switch To Fems Next Time Man:peace: I Think He Mean Have You Got Balls Growing On It Or Pistils
  11. Cheese101

    Need help sexing

    Mate If Thers Pistils Its A Girl :peace:
  12. Cheese101

    cylee's First Indoor CFL Grow from Seed!

    Just Let It Start To Come Out The Drip Holes At Bottom Ov Pot Not Poor Out Just Dribble Out Then Dnt Water Till Pot Lite Lao Id Give Seeds A Little Water If Soil Look Dry Yu Dnt Want Root Tap To Dry Out Witch Is Easily Done Thats Wher A Propogator Comes In Handy Keeps Soil Moist Till Sprouted
  13. Cheese101

    55b's Bagseed Grow. 150w HPS.

    Mate 1 t5 wont veg seeds Yourl Have A Whole Lot Ov Stretch But Clones Will Be Ok As You Just Hardening Them Off Under It :cuss:Mate I Try Give You Advice But If Yu Think You No Best Then Away Yu Go lmao from the look ov your plants you need a hand lmao
  14. Cheese101

    55b's Bagseed Grow. 150w HPS.

    Mate Smoking Round Plants Does Not Degrade Them Thats Bulls..t also cloneing isnot a waste off money but it saves you money wher you would need your big light on 18/6 for veg seeds your clones need only one t5 tube light then they can go strate to flower :peace:You Got To Many Plants Under That...
  15. Cheese101

    DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

    lmao ok ok Lets Stp Bitching In This Thread We are All Fellow Growers So What If Uk Got The Best DANK LMAO Soz I Had To Add That lmao
  16. Cheese101


    I Read That This Is An Anty Anxiety Weed Would Love To Here Your Smoke Report As If It Is Its On My shopping List lmao Good Luck Bro
  17. Cheese101

    DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

    Mate MrCheese Is A UK Grower Best In The World In Fact He Brought You The Genetics That Most SeedBanks Breed With Today Lmao Cali I Got A Mate From Cali He Use To Be Negative Like You But I Sent Him Chhese At Christams And He Will Call Me God Now lmao Dont Knock The Cheese Till You Smoke It Its...
  18. Cheese101

    DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

    Thats Ok Just Thort Id State A :arrow:Fact lol
  19. Cheese101

    cylee's First Indoor CFL Grow from Seed!

    lol we stopped now lol