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  1. lxbinghamxl

    how do you get points on here

    ok chill i was jus askin man
  2. lxbinghamxl

    why are my seeds sprouting

    k thanks everyone ill try it
  3. lxbinghamxl

    why are my seeds sprouting

    what is the best way to germinate seeeds. ive had mine on a plate and in a damp paper towl in a dark place for a few days and nothing has happened yet
  4. lxbinghamxl

    Welcome New Members!

    jus stoppin by to say heyyyy
  5. lxbinghamxl

    how do you get points on here

    im new to this site and i was wondering how to get your points up and how to get it to not say stranger where others say marijuana toker nd stuff
  6. lxbinghamxl

    Am I permanently fucked?

    yeah the other day i smoked a blunt of haze and if i stood still everything would go black nd i couldnt even talk. i smoke allllll the time but idk why tht happened to me. i started panicin and thinking i was goin to have a ceizur in front of all my friends bc i have a ceizer disorder kind of...
  7. lxbinghamxl

    Growing Diary

    i learned sooooooooooooooooooo much from you in this thanks so much !
  8. lxbinghamxl

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    i know this thread is pretty old but great job :leaf: