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  1. H

    Help with aeroflo 60 slow growth

    My ppms were around 1200 or so I think until I added the kool bloom and other stuff then it went up in the 1700-1800 range that is when I think the major nutrient burn damage happened. My roots look so sick, I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should snip them off where they are the...
  2. H

    Help with aeroflo 60 slow growth

    This is my first time grow, I have aeroflo 60 1/10 hp chiller 5x10 sun hut tent, 1 6" fan 2 1000 watt hortilux lights with air cooled hoods window ac unit right outside where the tent is I veg'd for approx 6 days, currently in my 6th week of flowering Everything was going...
  3. H

    Aeroponics whats the best nutrients

    Hiya I am using an aeroflow 60 currently with GH nutes but would like to switch to something more organic. I'm wondering if the person who mentioned using fox farm nutes can elaborate a bit. I always thought something like this would clog the pump or some such? I have experimented a bit using...