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    Veg timers with relation to putting plants outside

    Humboldt i'd like to hear your opinion on this as it seems you have some experience. If a person lives in Seattle, the days are 15 hours long at the start of August. In the spring the days are also 15 hours long on May 12. In mid May the plants would be vegging. In the start of August plants are...
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    Veg timers with relation to putting plants outside

    Thanks for sharing the experience. With the amount of labor it takes to run outdoor plants well, it's not worth the risk in my opinion.
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    DXM user needs HELP!

    Milk thistle is a plant that does a TON for your liver. Much more than anything else as far as i know. It's fairly cheap if you look around. Your liver does repair itself slowly. Liv-52 is good also. There are definitely jobs that will look past your background. (I do hiring) Increase your...
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    Veg timers with relation to putting plants outside

    Thank you. Can you elaborate a little on what happened with the plants you lost? Is there any difference in veg for you between 18/6 and 15/9?
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    Veg timers with relation to putting plants outside

    I'm pretty high north. At my latitude, the days are longer than 14 hours until mid august. The plants will start flowering much sooner than that. I'm not saying that length of day has nothing to do with it. Though increasing and decreasing light schedules definitely play a major roll in the...
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    Veg timers with relation to putting plants outside

    Thank you for the reply here. The idea just went off like a light bulb in my head when i was running all the numbers. I've seen too many people say "They're starting to show pistols in May. What do I do?" It makes perfect sense to me now though. Do you notice a difference in growth vegging at...
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    Veg timers with relation to putting plants outside

    I guess the real question at this point is what veg light schedule would be best. I was assuming reducing the hours of daylight so much would be a shock to the plants. They'll be mature before they go out. I just don't know. Everyone's standard 18/6 down to natural light of 14.5/9.5 seems like...
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    Veg timers with relation to putting plants outside

    I've heard of outdoor growers getting pre-flowers when putting plants outside in the spring. This never made much sense to me until i was talking to a friend. A friend of mine is looking to put some plants outside for this season. They're also planning on vegging indoors at 16/8 for 6-8 weeks...
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    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    Why not aerate the root structure? I realize you're recirculating a lot faster than most systems, but what can provide more DO to the roots than small air bubbles directly passing by them. I'm subbed in for the grow. This looks great so far. Cant wait for the watts to be ramped up.
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    6 month veg indoors transplanting outside on 4/20

    How many plants are you vegging out? With a 6 month veg you will be hardpressed to get very many growing under a 400w. I suggest a much shorter veg time with more plants for a better harvest. Putting 3 footers outside can get over 10 feet by harvest.
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    Favorite Outdoor Strains

    Its breeder information. I'm not sure about Platinum OG, but Super Silver Haze has a naturally later finishing time. Where about are if your plants can stay outside until december?
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    Favorite Outdoor Strains

    Our times to put outside are similar even though i'm a little farther north. I know we didnt have frost past the start of May last year, but i'll give them until the end of May before going outside just to be safe. I've researched the Kandy Kush and it looks a little too fragile to go outside...
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    Favorite Outdoor Strains

    The Kandy Kush and Power Africa look great out of that list. When do you plan to start them out? I wanted to have about a 4 week veg on them before putting outside.
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    Favorite Outdoor Strains

    Hello everyone. I'll be trying out a few different situations coming spring time and was hoping the input from people on the forum could help me out. Outdoor strain: Looking for three different strains. A good nighttime smoke with a heavy yield, a sativa dominant mix and an autoflower...
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    LED Grow Lights: Separating Fact from Fiction

    Dont be shy. Spread the word on where you can get them that cheap. I would prob buy one is the shipping didnt kill me.
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    Miracle Grow, is it worth it?

    I'm still just learning on my first grow, but i used MG soil to start all of mine out from seed. I figure 13/15 sprouting and doing well is a good number for someone who is just learning. Especially from bagseed. All i know for sure is you had an argument before you tried to say wiki was...
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    Spectra Unit 90watt Led grow, almost done.Whe got buds...

    I'm looking forward to the report on how much each plant produced in this. Let us know your dry weight after you get done.
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    Going from pure led grow to 250whps/3 ufo's/t-5/uvb

    Plants look like they are doing great. Dont you think you could have put a few more in that area? It seems a little too spaced out for what you could grow under the same light.
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    new pics blue cheese 5 weeks big buds

    Was it a clone or did it pop seed 5 weeks ago? Looks like its coming along well to me.