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  1. SativaSoul

    What do i need to do to make my Outdoors Grow More like Hydro speed plants?

    ..... :leaf::leaf::?::!::?::!::leaf::leaf: -> Yeah, i was thinking of making a outdoor type setup where the roots are soaking in water. - maybe with a cloth pot with root holes and in a bucket of water - or a plastic container with holes for roots to come out into water bucket but how...
  2. SativaSoul

    What do i need to do to make my Outdoors Grow More like Hydro speed plants?

    :leaf:Hey Everyone,:leaf: Ive grown a few outdoors before and come up with some interesting light reflectors and natural nutrients to help feed and protect the plants... but their just too darn slow! :?: What specific factors it that makes hydro get BIG so much quicker? :clap: And what can i do...
  3. SativaSoul

    Disappearing Buds!!!

    and summers just begun!
  4. SativaSoul

    Disappearing Buds!!!

    nah outdoors...
  5. SativaSoul

    Disappearing Buds!!!

    i just don't buy that insects could eat that much weed so quickly and i wouldn't notice them at all the countless times i was staring at my growing buds... though still, if it was just seasonal, were the fuck are my buds at!!!!
  6. SativaSoul

    Disappearing Buds!!!

    no idea what happened. I was about two weeks away from harvest, checked my plant after a couple of days and all the main buds which were growing at the very ends and beginnings of the stems or nodes of whatever you call it were gone or way smaller. instead there were way more buds beggining to...
  7. SativaSoul

    Shitty insects eating my shit!

    i thought lady bugs were red... :sleep:
  8. SativaSoul

    Quick noob question

    I actually disagree with all this mystery sex stuff. When you've got a few growing i think with some instinct you can usually tell, my guesses were pretty much on the money. If you look at the stem the ones with more furry or white hairy stems usually end up ladies, and the less hairy ones have...
  9. SativaSoul


    well how the hell do you get rid of them???!!! ive just sort of controlled my snail problem, by putting egg shells in the pots and surrounding the pots will snail poison.. NOW these caterpillars are chewing holes in all my leaves!! how do i keep the bastards away?? or better, kill them! please help
  10. SativaSoul

    Mystery plants!?? Indica or Sativa????? what does everyoen reckon?

    sweet, awesome advice. thanks i have been having bug problems... bloody caterpillers and snails
  11. SativaSoul

    Mystery plants!?? Indica or Sativa????? what does everyoen reckon?

    its just starting off actually so that could explain the shortness... but i thought indica's had thicker leaves and grew all bushy?? i dont think ive grown indica before though......
  12. SativaSoul

    Is food killin your buzz

    Well really that means, eat shit.. and lose your buzz OR have some healthy stuff and you'll be riding high.....
  13. SativaSoul

    Mystery plants!?? Indica or Sativa????? what does everyoen reckon?

    These are my babies, and i dont know who the father is!!! Are they Indica or Sativa???? :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: thankyou everybody
  14. SativaSoul

    Can you predict when your outdoors will flower? (Australians!)

    growing near the bottom of australia and my largest one is about 25cm tall? think its sativa... when should it finish veg and start flower?? been going nearly 2 months... oh and their outdoor :leaf::leaf::leaf:
  15. SativaSoul

    Is food killin your buzz

    i think its always important to eat properly before and during smoking the ganja, sometimes i wonder if the actual act of getting food and eating it is what kills your buzz.. either way you can just smoke another bong once you well fed
  16. SativaSoul

    Organic Pesticides / Nutrients. know any better ones..?

    :leaf:Hey:leaf: I've got a few outdoors just starting off growing and I've been having some serious snail problems and I've also seen a bunch of caterpillars around.. so im worried about them too.. i want to keep the plants organic and natural but still keep the bugs away!!! ive tried...
  17. SativaSoul

    organic natural pesticides snails caterpillers instect repelant

    :leaf:Hey:leaf: I've got a few outdoors just starting off growing and I've been having some serious snail problems and I've also seen a bunch of caterpillars around.. so im worried about them too.. i want to keep the plants organic and natural but still keep the bugs away!!! ive tried...
  18. SativaSoul

    Should a keep my baby plants apart so the boys dont sex the ladies????

    soo why do i have to seperate them if the ladies wont turn male?? just because they'll get seeds? cause i dont care too much about seeds.... but if they get less chronic!!! ohh no, ill kill those boys for touching my little girls. understand?!? soooo.................... ? ? ?
  19. SativaSoul

    Should a keep my baby plants apart so the boys dont sex the ladies????

    Yeah thats what i thought, my little girls will know whens the right time to start mixing with boys.. there just too younng :cry: