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  1. M

    To late to start growing???

    lol ya i already ask if i could grow some in her garden but she didnt like that idea to much haha
  2. M

    To late to start growing???

    Ya thats the thing i have no were to take them inside :/ i live with my parents so i cant grow it in my house
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    To late to start growing???

    haha nice!
  4. M


    I am asking how much i will get if i start my plants now
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    To late to start growing???

    Ya my last thread was posted about something else and no one was replying to me on the other one so i started this one with this title so ketch more peoples attention that might know more about this subject then the other subject i started on, i want as many peoples thoughts. Why do you care how...
  6. M

    To late to start growing???

    If i was to plant my white widows here in the next week or 2 do yall pros out there think it would be to late to get a good grow?? some one told me it might so now i am scared if i should start or not, cause my seeds are on there way right now in the mail.
  7. M


    You put them in jars straight off of the plant? is that works i could pull that off i can keep the jars hidin in my back yard :P
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    well shit then i thought October was the right much for them to harvest if i plant them in like another week is that bad? like will i hardly get any bud?
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    How would i do that? i need something that will old in the smell to and that means it would have to be air tight and for drying stuff isnt that bad?
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    na its not to late i live in texas it doesnt get cold down here till like febuary hell in december we will have days where it is like 95 degrees haha
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    ya it is hidin away from the path so no one will see me unless they follow me lol also would it be ok to dry my buds there? cause i cant bring them to my house cause i live with my parents so could i hang them up there and still not worry about the smell? for got to add that to
  12. M


    Ok so i am going to start my first grow as soon as my white widow seeds get here. But i am going to be growing out side and i am wondering if i need to be worried about the smell, cause i am growing like back past a walking trail but it is kinda far in but idk how far do yall think the smell of...
  13. M

    Glass jars??

    yaaaaa those! they look like they would majorly work lol
  14. M

    Glass jars??

    Does any one know where i can get pretty big glass jars with the rubber seals and has the little clap on the top to seal it? they are used to put like surger and stuff it, lol come on i know there is a stoner out there that knows what i am talking about and could help :P
  15. M

    First time grower! - germinating seeds method suggestions?

    why not paper towels? what should i use then?
  16. M

    First time grower! - germinating seeds method suggestions?

    Ok if i do it that way will u have to like keep the towel wet? or can i just leave it in the bag for 3 days and it will be good?
  17. M

    First time grower! - germinating seeds method suggestions?

    Ok so i am going to be starting my first grow soon :) so you know i have all sorts of questions. What do you pros out there recommend to do to germinate the seeds? i have seen my friend put them on paper towels and fold it over and put it between 2 plates under his bed and just kept them moist...
  18. M

    5 Products Better than Miracle Grow & under $10 At your local Home Depot

    OK i got a question i am a noobie here, but if i get the Espoma Garden Sulfur Soil do i just put that in the pot and use that to grow in?? or is this stuff that should like only be sprinkled onto your pot of soil to feed the plant or something?
  19. M

    Starting my first grow got some ???

    Ya idk exactly how far that was just an estimate lol but do u have any tips on how to hide the smell a bit? also i am in a pickel with where i can dry the bud :( cause seeing as how i still live with my parents i can just hang them up in my room lol so i was thinking of drying them there at the...
  20. M

    Starting my first grow got some ???

    Haha ok sounds good, sorry for late reply i went out and bought me and ounce :D But i got another question, Am i going to have to worry about the smell of all 5 plants cause like 100 yards away is a walk pathish thing that few people walk through, you think they might be able to smell the bud?