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  1. L

    what can you tell me about this plant it was some bagseed

    yeah it had some branches but they were turning yellow and stuff so i think it is about ready those pictures are about 5 days old and in one spot on the very top bud it's getting eaten or rotting a little bit or something but over all i'm happy i think i'm going to chop her down tomorrow...
  2. L

    what can you tell me about this plant it was some bagseed

    these pictures are all of the same plant
  3. L

    to early to tell?

  4. L

    to early to tell?

    first grow 3.5 gallon bucket, soil from backyard 1 cfl fluora nova grow nutrients mixed with tap water good bagseed
  5. L

    First grow, i want train wreck!

    lmfao at cops came so i killed everything
  6. L

    Pictures of my current ladies

    man thats one bad mother budder
  7. L

    discount hydroponics

    Yeah, I left them a message. On the packing list every item had a hand written check mark, even the rockwool cubes. That sucks, I have seeds germinating ready to go in the rockwool, but I have none. I guess I'm about to start searching for rockwool alternatives. Does anybody know of some kind of...
  8. L

    discount hydroponics

    Well I recieved my order this morning from Discount Hydroponics. As i'm going through everything I notice they didn't send my rockwool cubes (which they charged me for), and my bag of perlite has a baseball sized hole in it with a little piece of tape on the bag in a sorry attempt to patch it...
  9. L

    Texas grower

    hi guys, from houston here and yes we got plenty of mexican swchwag if you want it, but we got badass dro and blueberry and widow just like cali or anywhere else does... you just gotta have the connect. (if you dont grow) and i don't.... yet
  10. L

    1 1/2 wk old plants growing sideways and laying down :(

    I dont know what my plants are trying to tell me but both of them are growing outdoors ( i have no other choice) and they both did the same thing after they got about 5 inches tall everything is all good then i come outside and they are laying down but the top flowers are pointing up and they...
  11. L

    What happens if you continue to let a plant grow in a container thats too small?

    ^^ yeah i was gonna put in the first post that i did that but i forgot once i started writing about the containers lol i wonder why my memory is bad?
  12. L

    What happens if you continue to let a plant grow in a container thats too small?

    just wondering i got some bag seed growing in about 4 different containers IE: small tuperwear bowl (which has 4 that sprouted last night) this is only about 2-3 inches deep but is like a 1 ft x 6 inch tray a very small plant pot with a diameter of 6 inches but is only about 4-5 inches...