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    Is this good enuff for 1000 watt, and 3 plants, rep

    screw the tent set up a room
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    Is this good enuff for 1000 watt, and 3 plants, rep

    well since i am not getting a reply from you i will break it down for you, first of all with your thousand light you should be running at least 12 plants flipping trhem into flowering at 12 inches, second you need to be running an 8inch inline duct fan to suck the heat off of that big hot bulb...
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    Is this good enuff for 1000 watt, and 3 plants, rep

    What kind of duct fans are you using?what kind of hood are you using?what kind of soil/perlight and what strains will you be growing?
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    Uneven bud formation

    ok first of all do you have pictures? second what lighting system are you using and how close is it to the canopy? third how much shading do you have going on? this does not sound like a bug problem because they do not take chunks. your plants could have stretched due to insufficient lighting as...
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    Spider mites at flowering stage

    GO to your local grow shop and pick up so sns17 it is basicaly rosemary oil and water it works wonders just make sure you do it in your dark cycle or you will be burnt the mites will literally pour out of your pots
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    Pot Size

    I have had mixed results in transplanting flowering plants if the plant is extremely root-bound then re potting is probably your best bet i mean it couldn't hurt, but on the same note i have wasted soil re-potting plants because they were so far into flowering that the roots stayed right where...
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    plants stretched under 400

    thanks guys thats what i thought just verifying information ill throw some cfls in :-)
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    plants stretched under 400

    My beautiful hogsbreath girls have stretched under the 400 hps light i have them flowering under. because of this light is not reaching lower branches do i chop the lower branching to avoid mold issues or do i let them go any help would be appreciated
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    HELP flowing cycle interuptesd

    OK so here's what happened i had to build a new table for the girls last night and had a worklight on. they are on day 11 of flowering and the light stayed on for 24 hours what should i do?:evil:
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    Harvesting before or after my 6 day cruise....

    I think that while allglad has a good point i would look at my trichomes under a scope and if they are not milky yet iw ouild wait if they are just beggining to turn milky i would wait. do you have anyone who is going to be around while you are on your cruise??if so i would wait. it all depends...
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    Need Some Help Designing Closet Grow Room

    Ok first of all regardless weather or not its winter you are going to want an intake and an outtake sucking the heat of the back of the hps because your gonna fry your plants in 100 + degrees without both. Second you are not going to be able to do 25 plants and an area that small unless you are...
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    Holes in Leaves NO BUGS

    could it be burns from getting water on them during the daylight hours in the room
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    Holes in Leaves NO BUGS

    all the girls look awsome besides the couple of random holes
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    Holes in Leaves NO BUGS

    yes i looked at it through a scope, no i do not have pictures. but it looks like your typical catipillar munch but no catipllars
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    Chronic dying on me? Please help me bring my baby back!!

    Are you using tap water? and if so and if you do not have any acess to distilled water or a reverse osmosis filter put your water in an aquarium and let it sit for 24 hours so the chlorine will evaporate away then ph to about 5.4 to 6 using ph up or down use a compost tea try pure blend pro and...
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    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    Your little guy looks like hes done. The most you can do is put a humidity dome over him/her and hope he gains vigor it looks like there is some leaf left but very little
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    Holes in Leaves NO BUGS

    HI I am having a problem with my hogs breath clones i have 12 clones going right now, They are in veg. The problem is holes are apearing and i thought maybe i had catipillers but i searched and seached upturning every leaf and no sign of the bastards. What could this be 4 out of the 12 plants...
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    Male or Female?

    definatly girls congrats
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    seeds in my sensimia

    i have examined every clone i have growing and have not found any hermis should i let the seed pods develop and germinate them or just cut off the seed pods i am relatively new to growing and have only been through about three harvests
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    seeds in my sensimia

    i have a problem i have no males in the house and everything i have grown has been from clone. but my bubba kush has seed pods on the lower branches any advice on how this might have happened would be very helpful thanks:evil: