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  1. C

    Some Advice/Help (First Timer)

    This is after a month of the first germination. Does this look healthy? I'm getting ready for the 5 gallon bucket transfer. I noticed its getting kind of skinny. I'm not sure which species I am using since its just bagweed. Im giving its proper amount of nutes and its still on a 24/0...
  2. C

    Some Advice/Help (First Timer)

    Well it could be a nitrogen burn. So I flushed the pot out and put some water in for a few days and see if that clears it up.
  3. C

    Some Advice/Help (First Timer)

    Bump :( Anyone have any ideas?
  4. C

    Some Advice/Help (First Timer)

    Well an update! The plants have been separated. The plant is blooming nicely! Couple of questions! I'm noticing a few brown blotches on one of the leaves near towards the stem. Any ideas? Also I'm concerned about some of the leaves on the bottom (The more mature leaves) are getting a...
  5. C

    Broken Petal, Problem?

    I live on a big ranch so the privacy isnt important! I will give the natural light a try! Thanks everyone!
  6. C

    Broken Petal, Problem?

    Awesome! Thanks for the help. I was wondering why after 3 days they didnt make anything happen! How about replacing them with some natural sunlight? I got a nice corner that provides excellent sunlight throughout the day.
  7. C

    Broken Petal, Problem?

    Well the 3 that I have split up are all under different lighting experiments, 24/0 with a 27w CFL 24/0 with a 100w incandescent 18/6 with a 100w incandescent Ah well at least Im happier to know that those leaves are all apart of the plants lifecycle and not important anymore.
  8. C

    Broken Petal, Problem?

    Great! Thank you so much
  9. C

    Broken Petal, Problem?

    I was transplanting my pot that had 3 plants in it. While transferring I torn one of the petals on my plant, Will it recover? What do I need to pay attention to while it recovers. The plant it only about 2 weeks old and I'm concerned its just not growing fast enough. Thanks!
  10. C

    Some Advice/Help (First Timer)

    Well Im getting ready to transplant them, I added some pictures as a before/after thing. Ugh I sure hope they make it and that the roots are not that networked! Wish me luck. +Rep DoobnVA
  11. C

    Some Advice/Help (First Timer)

    Well I am getting the hint that I am going to need to separate the plants.. I can do that. Unfortunatly I just threw some seeds in the pot at they happend to just grow that close together (Duh I know :shock:) How am I supposed to transplant them separately without putting them into shock? When...
  12. C

    Some Advice/Help (First Timer)

    The soil is you're typical potting soil from wal-mart. When I was moving my pot I dropped by fluorescent fixture and it exploded ;( So I replaced it with a temporary 150W bulb I have hanging from my box. Its about 2 inches from the the top of the plant and its not very hot feeling the plant...
  13. C

    Aurora Indica CFL Soil ghetto grow

    Nice Budda statue ;) The plant looks really nice ;) Been reading since page 1 and im impressed! I subscribed! Looking forward to the harvest pics! lol
  14. C

    Some Advice/Help (First Timer)

    No problem, I'll get a timer and a bigger bulb. You said 18/6? If so can I just substitute artificial with natural lighting? Any answers on the 5 questions? Thanks!
  15. C

    Some Advice/Help (First Timer)

    Morning everyone! First off let me say that I don't smoke ;) I know blasphemy!! But I decided to make a plant as a side project just to see how easy/difficult it could be to get a plant going. So I was wondering if I could get some starter advice. So here it goes! My brother gave me some...