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  1. W

    Advanced Nutrients PHP-ppm perfect

    kk guys im cutting in here. PH-ppm perfect is available in stores now! K, now that you've moved past that ill explain how it works. Thinks of a molecule, its round like a ball. Now imagine placing layers of PH reactive film on this ball. Each layer of film contains nutrients and a bit of ph up...
  2. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    no worries all, im still around! It sucks that mej took off but hey, thats how life goes. Ive got a whole new plan up my sleeve and im discussing it over at Stinkbuddies! Drop by and check it out!
  3. W

    3 x 600HPS resets Surge protector @ lights on

    Yeah,I looked for a higher rated protector but their hella expensive. I manually reset it after it blows @ lights on and then its fine for the rest of the lights on period until the next day. Im searching for an on delay timer for oen of the lights, that way it wont have such a large pull at once.
  4. W

    3 x 600HPS resets Surge protector @ lights on

    Best way to deal with this issue? 20A GFCI Outlet <- Timer <- Surge Protector <- Lights Im thinking maybe get an on delay timer for one of the lights to offset the power draw. Worked fine till I added the third light.
  5. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Yup! And everyone remember to stop on by and join the forums! We have dedicated members willing to help all the new people! :weed:
  6. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    If you guys have any other questions or need plans for construction, stop on by We're all more than friendly and willing to help :)
  7. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Remember to come check out :weed:
  8. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    MeJuana visit for more plans and the Stinkbuddy forums.
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    No problem, your welcome. Hope to see you around Stinkbuddies. ;-)
  10. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    True, yet you can also get compact tight buds form proper cure. I dry in paper bags until stem snaps crisply. Then they go into mason jars (gallon or half gallon size). Open for an hour each day for the first week, then maybe once a week for an hour, then just let em be. Shake them before and...
  11. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    1 on 5 off is best mix of nutrient and oxygen. And yeah, the website is down for some reason.
  12. W

    bud fungi :(

    Delete your account, not wise to have ur email as your name.
  13. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Looks like Nitrogen deficiency. I see blatant amounts of purple on the stem and leave stems and also the clear leaves indicate the nitrogen is the problem. Maybe find a nitrogen booster to add to the mix. You usually notice nitrogen problems about 1-3 weeks after putting into flower.
  14. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    So does 12V coil mean 120volt and 24V coil = 240Volt? This would work? Or...
  15. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey guys, is this the right part to make a andyman contactor for pumps?
  16. W

    Lets discuss door security!

    Well, I couldnt find a thread on it (yes various secret doors blah bla blah) so here it is. Im trying to figure out the best way to secure a normal doorway. I went to home depot and found all types of cool things and on google I found 12volt RFID sensor locks. Also found a sick lock from...
  17. W

    is 2 42W CFL's enough light?

    Show me this proof talon. In my experience 24/7 light has turned some plants into defectives. IE: One leaf point instead of 5 leaf points, scrawny, etc As soon as defectives were put into 18/6 they reverted to normal growth.
  18. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Ive built everything in advance. Bought 10 normal white Russian seeds, going to sex and then clone like mad :P
  19. W

    is it bad to call attitude with plant ?s if i live in usa?

    What? Are you fucking high? Look at what you typed, doesnt make much sense.
  20. W

    Electrical assistance please! :)

    Ah yes, I see it now! Thanks so much man. I like having second opinions :)