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  1. ndangerspecimen101

    The Golden Age of Lysergamides

    Seems like you been around the block. There are only a couple of University's that I know that synth LSA and its derivatives legally. By that I mean exempted from the Draconian laws of the DEA. Usually, the ones who do synthesize it synth it in very small amounts and keep a tight log on its...
  2. ndangerspecimen101

    Can LSD make you a billionaire?

    I know what many of you are thinking. The audacity to ask such a question. How can one relate LSD to the greedy hands of the filthy rich. When have the rich ever donated there subconscious renderings to the all encompassing third eye? But, unshackle everything that determines what makes you...
  3. ndangerspecimen101

    Perfecting the Poppy Pod Tea Experience

    Last Week's Recap What I did exactly was bring water almost to a boil then I put poppy straw in my tea infuser followed by the water. I let it sit for 30 minutes then I gathered the goop and strained it with a heavy duty stainless steel lemon squeezer. I repeated this process 3 times and I...
  4. ndangerspecimen101

    The Golden Age of Lysergamides

    Yes, Al I was aware of that. Sorry, I didn't mention the diethyl amide conversion. It was surely a known natural component before Hofmann tinkered with it. Hence, why its semi-synthetic. LSA is well publicized but how often do you find pure LSA on the black market? That's why I credit Hofmann...
  5. ndangerspecimen101

    What Makes Ketamine Special...

    The beloved S-Isomer. Ah, the tangle web we weave. Devil on the right, Angel on the left. If you must repent then what greater sacrament to reach a higher state of consciousness to forget that repentance is a figment of your imagination. :lol:
  6. ndangerspecimen101

    Pawn's Brewery: The Novel Art of Distilling

    I have not been able to get a run going. Been too busy with many other side projects. I'm a man who wears many 'Hat's'. But, when I do I will make sure to tweet to all my fellow RIU hood rat's about it. My goal is to make a wicked solid batch of 'White Lighting'. Since, that's something you...
  7. ndangerspecimen101

    I Beat Hard Drug Addiction

    Ah yes the classic case of mind fatigue. It happens to the best of us. Just making sure your not falling down the rabbit hole again.
  8. ndangerspecimen101

    I Beat Hard Drug Addiction

    Throwdo, your speech seems befuddled? Are you under the influence of benzodiazpenines? Your spelling and incoherent off topic statements suggest so.
  9. ndangerspecimen101

    I Beat Hard Drug Addiction

    If you have a problem disconnect from the friends that enable you and perhaps abandon membership boards like these that embellish drug use. If you truly want to change, than change can only happen if you vow to stop doing the things you do on a daily basis. Break old habits by adopting new...
  10. ndangerspecimen101

    What Makes Ketamine Special...

    Ketamine is the Rolls Royce of R.E.M. stardom. Somehow it disconnects the mind and body in a way that magnifies the psychological playground that many of us try to avoid. It true, Ketamine is harder to come by. Gotta dig deep in the intra-webs because finding it on the streets is slim to none...
  11. ndangerspecimen101

    I Beat Hard Drug Addiction

    Where is it sound? It's not sage advice by any means. How do you know he is letting his guard down? It's not advice at all. He was trying to prove his point. There's a huge difference.
  12. ndangerspecimen101

    I Beat Hard Drug Addiction

    Find strains that have a high CBD content. Not sure of a specific stain but I know there are a few new ones on the market genetically modified to produce higher CBD. CBD is the medicinal component in marijuana, not saying that THC isn't, but CBD lacks the psychoactive high that causes a bad...
  13. ndangerspecimen101

    I Beat Hard Drug Addiction

    That's the addict in you. I don't know you personally, so my evaulation is a surface reflection of you at best. There may be deep rooted problems that trigger you to start using again. Some people use drugs for a fun time while others use to mask and medicate. By saying, you stay sober for...
  14. ndangerspecimen101

    Virtual Reality: The New Anti-Drug

    This kind of technology is a raw two edge sword. It has the sort of power to lure evildoers and it has the ingenuity to save life's at the same time. The future is always a scary aspect in life. Man has always invented ways to impel and empower. We like to dress in different disguises to fool...
  15. ndangerspecimen101

    how many sudafed pills to make 1 g of meth?

    I guess it's a regional thing. But, an educated methhead who knows what quality is would spit on the stuff. Yes, I am aware you don't indulge in the 'glass dick' pipe dreams. I'm just speaking in general. The high you'll get from well preparated meth and shake n bake is a worlds of difference...
  16. ndangerspecimen101

    Perfecting the Poppy Pod Tea Experience

    I was gifted approximately 28 grams poppy straw a few months. During, that time I've been experimenting with various procedures to produce the perfect cup of poppy tea. The following excerpts were taken from a previous conversation regarding the potency of the straw and the measures taken to...
  17. ndangerspecimen101

    Pawn's Brewery: The Novel Art of Distilling

    Holy Fat Jesus! I pulled up to my house and saw the UPS man at my door. I ran in desperation to my doorstop as a saw a huge box sitting there. The package arrived earlier than expected! This tower must have mystical powers, because I can't stop looking at my reflection in this thing. :P
  18. ndangerspecimen101

    The Golden Age of Lysergamides

    There is no doubt that LSD is more abundant than it has ever been in the last 20 years. Ever since unperforated WOW hit the market there's been an uptick in generous amounts of pure lysergic. What I'm curious about is the high flux of LSD due to grey market production of lysergic analogs. Are...
  19. ndangerspecimen101

    I Beat Hard Drug Addiction

    Alcohol is the worst. It doesn't make it any easier by having a liquor store on every corner and advertisements every time you turn on the ole TV tube. But, combining alcohol and a benzodiazepine is begging for a blackout. It increases the seizure threshold as well. That combination can be...
  20. ndangerspecimen101

    how many sudafed pills to make 1 g of meth?

    Sorry if I offended you. That wasn't my intention. But, methamphetamine is so easy to source that you might as well purchase it from a dealer than produce yourself. The only reason why someone would resort to the manufacture of an illicit substance is because they want a pure product and...